Games You Played Today ver.1.22474487139...

Oh boy glad I haven’t played this or thar blurb would have made me burst into tears.


continuing to watch let’s plays with @digs . refreshed my hatred of stanley parable… what a snarky navelgazing piece of shit… and the beginner’s guide is pretty “dumb guy’s idea of a smart guy” videogame as well

we ended up watching fahrenheit / indigo prophecy… im still impressed at a lot about that game… it feels like a game that wasn’t created by a gamer, in a good way. very filmic, lots of attention to camera work and facial nuances. one of the things i was most impressed with is, there’s this scene with some kids playing tag or something in a park, the way they move is super lifelike and surprisingly not video gamey at all. madden could take a page from this book.

(at 32:00)
Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit) │ Full Game Playthrough │ No Commentary (PS4 Full HD) - YouTube

tank controls actually work to keep the player from running around like a dingus and spoiling the immersion, who knew.

i also am growing to appreciate games which really don’t tell you what you’re supposed to do to succeed. just throw you into the logic of the game world and have you figure it out. indigo prophecy seeks to have logic that’s relatively close to genre film/tv, so you can expect that after a cold open where your character has murdered a guy in the bathroom, you’re going to have to take some steps to pull yourself together, cover things up and get out of there. the mental health meter really adds something interesting here, emphasizing that these are characters and not avatars.

it’s not without its problems obviously - for example, the one main black character has aspects that are fairly tropey bordering on racist, such as: he happens to wear baggy clothes, he’s often late to work, his apartment is decked out like a 70s fever dream, soul funk plays when he walks places, his accent is a little all over the place etc.


Man, Quake just never ceases to mix things up in great ways.

  • Spring traps with basically every step, then
  • grab a Ring of Shadows (from a secret room I discovered entirely by accident while I was trying to kill fiends from a distance with grenades like a wimp), then
  • sprint past a bunch of zombies after springing another trap, then
  • cheese a Shambler to death from a ledge with a nailgun (making Shamblers resistant to explosive damage was really inspired & deliciously mean)

This is such a satisfying string of events. And I’m only playing on Normal difficulty! I think a harder difficulty level would actually kill me.


yabasanshiro 2022-03-02 23-54-34-04
wangan trial love has one of the most idiosyncratic control schemes i’ve ever seen in a racing game. you steer with the shoulder buttons, press a to brake and b to accelerate.

manual transmission in compulsory in this game, and it’s no simple case of shift up/down buttons: to change gear you have to hold down c and use the d-pad to move the gearstick in the bottom right corner of the screen!


Ah, that shifting is pretty great. With the dpad and only cardinal directions, you probably don’t need visual feedback, it can quickly become a fast muscle memory like a real shifter.

Wouldn’t it be cool if this worked alongside a NegCon?


it actually would! i wonder if anyone tried something similar on playstation

i just remembered: there’s a playstation driving (not racing) game called kurukuru marumaru which uses every button on the controller, and you have to follow road laws, including indicating before you turn, turning lights on and off, etc.


Did some KOFXV trials but no desire to do story mode ← I used to love this, what happened?

Team forming/Character Selection by process of elimination has become my chief pleasure from fighting games and any game where I can choose from a playable roster.

Pikmin Bloom trundles along. I’ve made a commitment to make a team of sentai ninjas, that is, the hairdresser Pikmin that wield combs and scissors. I am missing only the Pink Hairdresser Pikmin and finding one is a crapshoot whenever I pass a barber.


I was gifted a copy of Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate for Xmas and have no idea what I really want to dive into next so I decided to see what MK has been up to since I last played one of them, which I think was 4.

There appears to be a lot of mechanics and stuff I will have no prayer of remembering. What is odd is that I played through the basic tutorial to try and get a basic grasp on things, went to then check out the advanced tutorial but it was stuck behind a cooldown timer for another several minutes which is… a choice beyond my comprehension. I figured I’d start the story but it was locked behind a 25 minute timer so I out away the laundry to kill some time. I installed the game and downloaded all the patches last night so I don’t think it is tied to that, but who knows modern gaming is kooky.

I did the advanced tutorials until they became too much for me (it eventually asked me to do a combo it would have taken me quite a while to get done) then jumped to the story mode and I was not ready for what awaited me. I figured there’s be some basic short cutscenes to fill time between matches and this was like a full AAA cinematic experience deal. Everything looked so expensive.

Also the story itself seems like utter madness. It seems to assume you know everything that happened in recent games (I looked if there was a “previously happened” section and couldn’t find one) as opposed to my personal “no clue what has happened in the past 20 years” situation so while I recognize certain characters there’s just lots of names and stuff of I assume significance going on. Like the story starts with Raiden convincing Cage, Sonya and their daughter (I guess they got married) to launch a preemptive strike on the MK version of hell which is now run by I guess corrupted versions of Liu Kang & Katana full of army people gunning down demon hordes and like… I just wanted to punch some people.

Oh yeah, the amount of violence has skyrocketed over the years. I jabbed some daggers into a dude’s eyes then smashed them repeatedly further in and it wasn’t even a fatality which seems impossible yet here we are.

Basically it has been an experience. I did get to have some fights and despite having a poor grasp on all the odd techniques knowing a few moves and basic combos seems to be enough so far. I think story mode disables fatalities which is possibly the most confusing thing of all.


the story modes since 9 have been Worth the Admission Alone. they are what that 1990s CG direct-to-VHS Mortal Kombat movie only seemed to be grasping at achieving in the mind of a 9 year old


Definitely recommend taking an evening to watch 9 and 10 on youtube! They are fun and will help make sense of 11 as a climax.


This is both probably a good idea and also seemingly over 5 hours long so… wiki write-up will likely have to do.

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Outside of the Extreme Violence they are very watchable.

visual novel set in the not-too-distant future of 2017



I highly recommend finding a way to get a hold of MK9 (one of the complete copies for PS3/360, a Vita copy, or just pirate it on PC at this point). It’s pretty ugly by today’s standards (Netherrealm didn’t cross to the good side of the uncanny valley til Injustice 2), but mechanically it’s fairly simple and…it’s MK1-3 mashed into one game. It’s great!

That said, if the violence is too much (Noob Saibot has a fatality in MK9 called “wishbone” that will stick with me for a while), Injustice 2 is a solid pick. The story mode is so goddamn good, it looks great, the DLC lets you play as all four Ninja Turtles, and you can dress up Swamp Thing. What more could ya ask for.


Are you maining Rambo, Robocop or the terminator?


I started playing Umurangi Generation, but I don’t like the controls and the game dynamics. I quit the game, despite the nice aesthetics and the huge praise. As I did not find much about it, I was wondering how many others played it here, and if I am the only one with this impression.


I was fairly lukewarm on actually playing it though I think it was a banner indie title for good reason – it has a real point of view, I like the way it turns Tony Hawk levels into photography games, the aesthetic is well defined if a bit too low-res.

I think it would’ve probably been considered more novel six or seven years ago and the photo composition aspects could’ve been more interesting, but it’s still a rarity in the spirit of something like papers, please


update: finished watching the indigo prophecy let’s play… what the fuck happened to that game

it literally throws out all semblance of plot tension halfway through and proceeds to ride its wave of nonsense supernatural bullshit all the way to the end

the world begins to freeze over?? the cop falls in love with the killer?? mayan civilization?? child who is the key to nirvana?? AI clan vs alien clan vs homeless oracle clan? also where did the cool crow go


Okay I watched a chunk of 9 and 10 on youtube and they show an impressive commitment to the bit I’ll give them that.

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