Games You Played Today ver.1.22474487139...

I just discovered classic score attack mode in Tetris Effect and am currently causing trouble for low rank players.


Coincidentally, my partner wanted to try out Horizon Forbidden West and played through the tutorial for an hour or so. But it gave her motion sickness so she had to stop, and then she noticed I also had Tetris Effect installed. She ended up playing that on expert mode for 5 hours instead (she used to play competitive Tetris on Kali back in the 90s).

Iā€™m not good enough personally for it to dominate my play, but seeing how it affects an expert player, the ~3 seconds of spin rule seems bad. Itā€™s totally unaffected by falling speed so it creates a fixed difficulty ceiling. Tetris Effect does semi-penalize systematically using it for time to think by handing out D ranks, but most of the modes are more about survival.


Yeah, thatā€™s why I like classic. Canā€™t be messing up my Gameboy Type A skills.


God it was so good. They absolutely removed it because it made all of the Elusive Targets trivial. Why jump through their hoops when these clowns will pick up a random cellphone and answer it?


Yeah, after I got over my disappointment I realized they probably did me a favor by removing it. I mightā€™ve gotten bored very quickly and had to institute a house rule never to use it to enjoy the game again. That kind of thing always causes me a lot of cognitive dissonance: failing over and over knowing the whole time that I could just be doing it the easy way instead


Terra Nil, the puzzle game about rebuilding wilderness, is one of the most stressful games I have ever played. This is all the worst experiences from board games Iā€™ve ever had, where the only reaction I get from every action I take is, after the fact, seeing everything I just did wrong and the debt I just saddled myself with for future actions. I donā€™t understand how to play this game without putting my head down and crying.


Yeah, I donā€™t think itā€™s a very solid game structure. Itā€™s a puzzle game dressed up like a strategy game but with overlarge possibility space and overcomplex chains of interaction. So to design levels that are passable they can only enforce maybe 70% efficiency, but you will always feel the pressure and awareness that youā€™re doing it wrong.

Finished the ā€œmainā€ levels of Sizeable this evening as its gentle puzzling was about all I had the headspace for. Unlocked some ā€œsecretā€ levels which Iā€™ll give a go another time. But I might put the game down for a while and hold it in reserve for when I need a palate cleanser.

edit: Aughhh I just missed a special Valentineā€™s Day level because I wasnā€™t paying attention last week, mannn. Ah well.

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I was really hoping, given that the latest Forza Horizon 5 patch claims to fix the wheel related crashes, that it would be better, but uh




oh no :frowning: i was thinking of getting a wheel, specifically because of this game

DS1 spoilers

in NG+1 and Iā€™m doing Ariamis for the first time in years. I have only ever done the level once, in like 2013 when I first played the game, and uhhhh itā€™s fucking good? just a really solid level. an absolute mood, really fun to explore. the towers with the harpies are cool. the poison drake on the bridge is cool. opening the fog gate into a courtyard with the spear tossing phalanx is cool. the courtyard has a dragon quest ass well that leads into the small underground labyrinth which is incredibly cool. priscilla is really cute and a fun boss gimmick. this game is so good. skipping this level for several years has made it like a special dessert in 2022

edit: oh shit! itā€™s fucking King Jeramiah


I got one for 4 and it was worth it!!

right but

okay, yes, I figured out what the hell Kena was reminding me of

Kena is a better looking, slightly better designed Recore except instead of a robot dog, you get bootleg Pikmin except theyā€™re just visual representations of certain mechanics

I still have a little bit to go but it would be nice if it ripped off the part of Recore where it just takes the tools and does stupid neat platforming challenges (the main difference in movesets between the two games thus far is air dashing)

I tried listening to the Tetris Effect soundtrack as background music while Iā€™m working, but it doesnā€™t really hold up in isolation from the game.

Then I switched to the Rez soundtrack and it totally holds up. That game was one of the best on the PS2 for a reason


4 is for whatever reason rock solid

i am playing demonā€™s souls for the first time and dying a lot



The current funniest thing in Crusader Kings 3 is when a vassal has a guaranteed council position and will hire themselves as like the worst possible job for their stats/traits and you canā€™t fire them for 25 years. I genuinely really like the mental image of this guy whose statline suggests the medieval equivalent of a sysadmin with lower martial skill than my kingā€™s 9 year olds suddenly deciding that heā€™s actually a strategical mastermind, especially after failing a coup twice.


Last night I got to do the best kind of Official Research: I played Final Fantasy XIV for the first time, on the free trial. I can see why people like it! I created a little rakish gnome pirate wizard man, and went around doing errands for townsfolk for a while. I was playing with a few friends who were also new to the game.

Itā€™s astounding to me how much this MMORPG wants you to play it by yourself! I gather that the real multiplayer stuff is in the endgame, but manā€¦ Starting location is based on your class, so we all ended up in different cities super far away from each other, and had no way to meet up. The friend list feature is turned off for free trial users too. Apparently the story content is almost all single player as well. I mean, itā€™s kind of cool in a way, it makes it feel easier to get started because I donā€™t have to schedule hangouts in order to progress. But I wish we could have played together.

Even with all that, Iā€™m kind of jonesing to get back to it.


Also, nobody told me this game has tank controls!? The spirit of the PS2 calls out within me.