Games You Played Today ver.1.22474487139...

This weekend it has been hard for me to get anything important complete. I developed a sore throat yesterday and today I’ve been feeling a little dizzy on top of that. I checked my temperature and thankfully have no fever and I took a COVID test that came out negative for whatever that is worth. This is a long introduction for me to say that I have been playing video games.

Most importantly, I beat a game in Spanish for the first time. It’s Mega Man Battle Network. I really like this game despite its evil dungeon designs. It’s hilarious to me that this cartoon world has cyber terrorists who pull off extremely violent hacking schemes. For one example, the WWW hacks a self-driving road system to make all stoplights green, causing multiple cars to crash and explode. I can only assume that the car batteries burn at such a high intensity as to vaporize the passengers because the cars disappear right after the crash.

I’m going to try the second game soon even though I heard it’s bad. I just like reading what the dopes in this world have to say.