Played a bit of Necromunda: Hired Gun which is an alright jank shooter. It’s zippy and it does feel good to move around, although they give you a wallrun and then a grappling hook with an absurd range that makes the wallrun completely worthless for movement whoops. It’s very much in the vein of Starbreeze’s Syndicate, but that game had the good sense to be short. Hired Gun you just reach a point where all your superpowers should make the game trivial but instead of letting you have a victory lap and ushering you off the stage, the game just keep making enemies more and more obnoxious to fight to keep up with you. At a certain point everyone has so much armor and shielding that the damage stat on guns becomes meaningless and the penetration stat basically replaces it for all intents and purposes lol
I appreciate a game where you can pet the dog for gimmick twitter account reasons but you also give the dog a bunch of horrible cyperpunk surgery, and the female player character’s thick accent is great, but let’s make it a nice 5 hours next time, ok?
bugsnax (ps4/ps5) - ps5 version actually looks a lot better, particularly when raining. ps4 version looks really flat and the load times are very long for how small the areas are. haptics/adaptive triggers are neat but not a game-changer. otherwise, cute game, enjoyable gameplay conceit. reminds me of pokemon snap and ape escape. i dig the day/night cycle and weather. some of the voice acting is kind of twee and cloying, but not too bad
mx vs atv: all out (ps4) - after playing lots of monster energy supercross 5 at 60FPS, this game’s wobbly not-quite-30 is immediately jarring. the game itself is pretty fun, though
played some more Siren as well - it runs really well! better than the PS2 version
the groznyj grad escape is so hard on euro extreme save me telengard
on top of mgs3 ive also been playing we katamari cause its right there in the pcsx2 interface after all. when spaces become objects… how cool. i know im always saying this shit but its crazy how you could have like mgs2 and 3 and katamari and sotc and nocturne and digital devil saga all just coming out all the time… well i am excited for acvi and death stranding 2. i dont think its crazy or nostalgiabrained to say there just arent as many games coming out that i wanna play!
sorry, i’m shy! outrun 2sp was at the 6th floor of the gigo on the main drag in akiba. it was in good shape! they had a lot of other games, including a couple different outruns, but not all of them were in great condition.
i followed telengards route… the trick part ig is throwing the smoke grenades u can get from johnny at the guard and dog by the sewer entrance…
which of course leads to the sorrow!! it was nice to see that i havent killed anyone yet by mistake… now onto volgin and the rest of the game
ive also started up dark souls… one of the similarities w/ mgs besides like… a sort of genius with 3d spaces is how predictable the enemies are!
i dont generally love the big setpieces in mgs games or like… i dont have to pretend i think the swordfight against solidus snake has practically anything going on mechanically speaking i love the way the guards are like little windup toys to amuse yourself with tho. dance for me idiot you thought you were reading playboy in the jungle and now there’s a tranquilizer gun in ur face
(dropping a supply crate on guys in mgsv literally never gets old)
i was trying to do this at sl1 like a fucking maniac before but that led to me umm dropping the game entirely. rn i have a +5 reinforced club which is a super fun weapon in general and im gonna go to the depths and spent as many souls as i get on +1ing my pyro flame… sl1 or not a strong pyro flame decimates a lot of bosses in the first half of the game which is about as far as ive ever played
i might also use an estoc or a rapier instead who knows… theres also the lightning spear in sens fortress i think ill go for lightning weapons in general so i can spend my souls on pyro flame and magic stats
sad to say the ps3 does not like my phone tether wireless so i wont be online (and as much as i love a strand type game im not sure i consider it essential to the experience of these or of death stranding) but i did upgrade to the current patch on a friends wifi… it looks really good even on ps3 yeah the framerates a mess not my problem tho
started up splatoon 3. i like how the opening world of the singleplayer mode pretends to be mostly standard “do levels with captin cuttlefish commentary” before you’re dropped into alterna.
How much damage is “colossal damage”? Well I was gonna talk to this new demon in the first battle in the second dungeon, to make them tell me their stats, but turns out the moon was in the wrong house or something
Oh, one hit kill. Well that speeds up the always-two-demons combats. ; ) Single stroke takes my stamina for the whole fight but I normally just use non-stamina gun moves anyway so that’s all right.
Finished the first story mode (out of five) in Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days. I somehow clocked in at 66 hours. I had a great time! Three fights before the end you finally get the protagonists image card (a very Battle Spirits-esque name, Sword Saint Knight Dragon, Gramgrace), but forgot about it until right before the final fight. I luckily remembered on time so I could I could make sure I was story accurate for the end.
What ensued was a really long and strenuous bout against an enemy that can use a special skill to cheat, just like you, except instead of improving it’s draws it makes your draws worse. It was a battle of attrition as I slowly emptied my deck faster than the enemy, and I was eventually left on a turn with 5 cards in deck and three cards in hand. I misplayed my hand by accident and dwindled my deck to 3 cards. I then knew to even have a chance at winning I’d have to use my main unit’s special ability, which would draw 2 cards on a first attack and draw 1 card on a second attack, leaving me at 0 cards and an instant loss. Furthermore, I had to pray none of those cards in my deck had special abilities that would trigger additional draws upon activation. So I believed in the heart of the cards and managed to win with a single card left in my deck. The game even gave me bonus victory points for doing so.
It’s refreshing to play a TCG and not have to constantly think about how to ration premium currency and focus on building a single deck with the resources available, which will be the only deck I can competently play with unless I pony up cash for digital booster packs. I think i had access to most every card in the game by the end of the story mode (I think there were supposed to be around 1000 cards).
The story is light, anime fluff but even then I wish it did a bit more with the side characters (and it still might in the other story modes). It could benefit from more faceless NPCs as momentary antagonists instead of trying to maneuver every conversation into a fight with the player, which doesn’t give the side characters much room to have a presence that doesn’t revolve around your actions. At least there is a girl who is so committed to her bit of speaking in 4 kanji phrases that she’s willing to be bullied at school at for it, and her only friend is a guy who wears an eye patch and a cape. They were made for each other.
honestly bugsnax feels like an ultra-high-fidelity take on, like, a game boy color game or something. there’s nothing particularly complicated or intense about it, but the fact that there’s no minimap and the areas are small enough to navigate without much want for one is a good thing, imo. reinforces that “small-game-writ-large” feel the whole thing exudes
the load times on the ps5 version are nearly instant, which is really helpful to the game’s pacing and flow. i get a really nice sense of atmosphere from chilling in these little areas, watching the sun move across the sky, walking around in the rain. feels cozy.
i hope it isn’t very long, i’ve just unlocked all the tools and i hope the game gives me some more stuff to do with them without overstaying its welcome
i dig this tune, very chilled (timestamped to 17:04)
It’s been some years since I beat it, but I remember it being really good. I cranked it up to the highest difficulty and didn’t have much of a problem if I recall correctly.
Not interested in playing Runeterra without something to work towards in a bad meta so I fell into
the Marvel Snap abyss. That game has such a brutal grind. The game stops throwing bot games at you when you get out of set 1 but I still have a 95%+ winrate against the human players and I only managed to go from rank 16 to 30. I hit the point where the game goes ‘ok, time to spend money,’ and I was like, ‘eh, maybe’ but the game’s economy is completely fucked lol. You have a ‘collection rank’ which goes up as you upgrade cards, and you get a new, completely random card from your set every 18 or so rank where I am rn. It’s like, $1 per rank to use gold to level lol. I’m not spending fucking $20 to unlock one completely random card be serious lol
They tore out their card unlock system during beta and I guesd they’re going to do it again lol. Testament to how the base game is, ugh, actually very good that anyone stands for this shit.
Very amused that it’s by an ex-Hearthstone guy and it allows you to bark ‘I’m losing!’ at your opponent. You’d really think he’s know better lol. They split the difference between Runeterra and Hearthstone by having both emoted and barks, but then decided to have both a thumbs up emote and a ‘* Thumbs up! *’ bark and I honestly can’t think of a reason to do that other than the emote is a brown girl
yeah as soon as I felt my progress for card unlocks grinding (pun 100% intended) to a halt I just stopped playing
marvel snap is really great from an abstract design perspective and I really love the idea of hedging the board state as a mindgame you can play but the mobile experience is just so quick and bland that it just kind of feels like…nothing? that coupled with the fact that I also won literally every single game I played for the first three hours left a very strange impression on me. this is a card game that I feel like would be much better served as a physical card game because it barely feels like I’m playing a game with the way the first few hours go
I’d echo the high difficulty recommendation, it only has any bite with big numbers that punish mistakes. But it’s still not very compelling imo. The most mediocre game.
My wife just played this, hated and loved it in equal measure. She most enjoyed the landscapes and bounty names, mostly hated the slope sliding and physics puzzles.
Jedi has bad load times regardless of platform and checkpoints are far between, making the experience kind of slow going if you get killed a lot on higher difficulties. I found Sekiro worthwhile to learn and become proficient in but how long it took to get another attempt at a deadly encounter in Jedi totally put me off bothering.
I thought those moments were nice palate cleansers and gave it more of an adventure game feel than a standard soulslike experience. I’d like to think Respawn studied Gall Spaceport from Shadows of the Empire as much as they did Lordran when making Fallen Order. I will say though, the combat is a bit mushy, but the level design is a master class. This discussion is jogging my memory a bit, very much looking forward to Jedi Survivor.