Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

(i don’t know how to draft whoops)

He really liked Spec Ops: THE LINE.

the problem with quick match is that the game doesn’t really work without the draft. they’ve built the game in such a way that there are too many counters and worthless picks contingent on the draft, and the game also barely functions properly without tank/healer on both sides

it’s enjoyable, but it’s not really the main event of hots. conversely, ranked is just too much toxicity and dick-measuring and blah blah blah.

unranked draft is amazing! no one plays it!

yeah I definitely see all of this! there are a lot of matches in QM that are just shitshows because it’s all assassins vs a team of 3 supports and 2 specialists or something like that

but I mostly don’t care! a lot of what I enjoy about HOTS is that it satisfies all of the basic motions and mechanics that make me feel like I’m playing a moba without having to actually go through the trouble of learning item builds/draft picks/matchups/etc.

that’s why I’ve continually likened it to a pickup game of sorts; sometimes you just get shitty games, but it doesn’t matter because it’s just fun to hang out and play and everyone goes home at the end of the day

I can definitely see HOTS’ potential as a really compelling competitive thing but I don’t care enough to devote myself more than 20 minutes per game. and I think that should be embraced! but blizzard seems to be going in the opposite direction (I’m finding the same issues with overwatch as well)

but on the other hand, splatoon

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You should not feel the need to be apologetic for being the only person on the planet with a healthy relationship with a moba


just how much destruction can you get going in RS Siege?

Just blowing holes in walls and ceilings/floors iirc?

R6S rules.


That’s pretty much it. Walls are either completely destructible or indestructible, while floors and ceilings are only completely destructible at specifically placed hatches, although if it’s destructible (wooden) ceiling or floor, you can shoot through it at an enemy anywhere. Apparently initially even ceilings and floors were completely destructable, but they limited it to hatches further in development because it became really hard for defenders.

Even right now, the most destructible maps are considered suboptimal for ranked play because they give an advantage to attackers (mainly Favela, but also House). Of course, this destructability can be also used by the defenders’. For Bomb game mode where you have to protect two adjacent rooms from being planted, it’s almost essential for Defenders to blow up any wall connecting from one room to another, to avoid situations where attackers plant at one site and hold an angle at every conventional entrance (doors and windows).


A burn the likes of which can only be truly understood through agonizing cutscenes about how evil the player is for dropping such a burn in a previous cutscene.


I think there’s untapped potential in the sand/particle physics stuff from that game. At least the concept if not the execution. Could as easily be water/snow?



Yeah, Gorogoa is maybe the best pointclick adventure/puzzle game I’ve ever played

But I’ve never played Myst or Riven so

Anyway everyone play it it’s cheap

What about Thimbleweed Park, I hear that’s very good

Without any research I will state Gorogoa is better

That’s true once you’ve been placed, but if you’re a certain type of support* or “special” main (eg Mei), you’re going to get placed in Bronze and have trouble climbing out bc your team can’t capitalize on good plays that you make.

(* the metrics for supports have changed often, but there was one season where Mercy was extremely fucked – i don’t recall the details off-hand but it was real hard to catch fire and a couple mercy main friends placed a rank below where they usually did.)

They are totally different sorts of games (Gorogoa is a puzzle game like Myst I guess, Thimbleweed Park is a point and click adventure, emphasis on adventure)

Gorogoa is better but there is no sense comparing them

I also wish there was a lot more of it :confused:

Having not played Overwatch, it seems like people are extremely frustrated/concerned/obsessed with their rankings? I wouldn’t want to be a part of that energy.

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Sure, but magically changing the algorithm to stop taking individual performance into consideration doesn’t actually fix the underlying issue, it just fixes that you’re probably going to wind up in Silver instead of Bronze. You’re still going to be unable to guarantee anything about your teammates recognizing and capitalizing on plays you make, and that’s why you shouldn’t be playing those heroes at lower ranks.

It’s not impossible to one-trick those heroes and climb out, but you are setting yourself up for disappointment from the get-go. There’s a reason all MOBA-like games have communities of people looking for heroes with carry potential; either you are a low skill player who doesn’t understand what higher-level players in your matchmake party are doing and think they’re throwing, or you’re a higher-skill player frustrated at the low skill players not capitalizing on your plays. Everyone in ranked is miserable because everyone thinks everybody else is shit at the game.

I don’t mean to sound like I’m saying you shouldn’t play off-meta or playmaker champs in ranked, but if you actually care about your ranking, then that is probably the first thing you should do.