Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

Sorry buddy but I’m pretty sure the tech support line is no longer operational


i played a bit of mahou daisakusen and the background scrolling at the beginning of the first stage makes me ill but i discovered this and feel much better now:


ya these videos have been an enduring for me. soothing and striking and cute and funny at a turn, atmospheric thru-out

Enjoyed Mini Ghost. It’s a pretty bare-bones metroid-style game that took about a week to beat, but it was exactly what I needed to unwind after work.

Also trying Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. The story at the intro is really well-done, so they got the feel down perfect. Awesome voice acting. Already getting kinda bored of the combat, though, which is not a good sign all of like 40 minutes in.

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don’t tell sykel

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which one you fuckers is benj on switch (@bib?), fuckin killing it at jump rope on mario odyssey holy shit

why not, i don’t get it

I could have sworn you once spoke about not liking the UnEpic dev, who also made Ghost 1.0 and Mini Ghost.

fuck yeah it’s me

i was on top of every board but one, but somebody started usurping me. i gotta get back at it


I got to fifty jumps before my brain couldn’t keep up with the audio cues. You’re at 200+ and I…I don’t understand…

oh yeah, that guy tried to create a harrasment campaign against me because I gave unepic an average rating lol, he’s a tosser

oh shit now i want to see this average rating

I gave it a six, which is like a high seven. On our scale, 5 is actually average, instead of 7. Metacritic doesn’t take that into account, of course, and dragged the score of the game down. If I could bring it lower after his bullshit, I would.


lol owned

You are having literally the opposite experience I did, but rest assured one of the only really great things about SoM is that it has this smooth power curve that ends with you having a zillion options and being a teleporting murder god.

What a fucker

Okay don’t buy mini ghost

Pocket Camp is the most charming and entertaining checklist I’ve ever had the pleasure of trying to get me to spend money from my phone


Speaking of cell phone games, what the heck is with the gem drops in Puzzle Fighter? Did the old ones give you this many crush gems? It’s really hard to build much of anything.

oops i played pump it up for 6 hours


I think a lot about how long it’s been since I last played a game where I feel like I’m in an actual space and not a Video Game Level. Yesterday I spent hours just chilling out in the champagne sea in Mario Odyssey (admit it’s alcohol, nintendo, it’s fucking alcohol it’s for a fucking wedding) because it was nice to be there even though Mario runs out of air really quickly and the seaweed is aggressive. I really like how this game experiments with contrasting styles (the realistic t-rex and new donk city) and how it doesn’t feel out of place at all, it just fits. Mario just belongs everywhere, he’s the ultimate tourist.