Okay I just got to the second Rift Plane area, and this is what I was waiting for in GR! A different type of environment, where use of the primary power isn’t just pointing in a direction and rushing with a slight curve. Confined, disorienting pathways ahoy. Sliding bits are fun even if a bit too erratic in handling. If there’s at least a couple more spins like this by the end, I might love this game.
I tried playing siege last night for the first time since picking it up and had a good time, I like the general scope and the mechanics a lot, but I’m getting absolutely smoked on the shooting part. I haven’t been able to get a single kill on anyone who is actually aware of me, and I keep uselessly shooting from the hip while getting wrecked.
game is also really mediocre visually but the community is unusually good, ubi clearly makes an actual effort.
is that cop-robots or copro-bots
you can request a maid who also happens to be your teacher to make you coffee or do your laundry in persona 5.
ahahahahahaha what the fuck atlus.
Don’t forget that you found out about your teacher’s sideline because you and your dweeb friends heard the maid service has a rep for also being an escort service!
Tacoma’s been out for a minute and none of you motherfuckers bothered to tell me???
next time Kat Cross sings something from the rooftops i will let you know
(i’m interested myself but haven’t been so far as to get it)
just as a tip, I don’t know if you’ve played GR2 yet but if/when you get there, the Raven DLC (which should still be free) is totally safe to play before the main game since it follows up plot threads from the first game. it’s also probably more well written than the base game (the DLC’s director is also the English localization head on GR2 proper)
Started playing Underrail, which seems like a decent fallout-like, but then I ran into the usual CRPG difficulty spike near the beginning so we’ll see if I actually follow through with the game or put it away ala pillars of eternity etc.
Started playing Nier: Automata and I think this is the first game camera to ever make me feel even a little bit of motion sickness. Either that or flu season is about to strike me down…
…Am I gonna die?
Ōkami HD: Regret missing out on this the first time around. Got as far as the second fight with Waka before needing to give it a rest- I think I might be suffering from Zelda burnout.
Bayonetta: Struggling on the first fight with Jeanne. Don’t know that I can handle all these combos. Edit: Just reached stage four and the first real boss fight. I think this might be as far as I go.
Believe there are some settings for this what with Japanese being more sensitive to motion sickness.
Yeah, I think there’s a camera option in the settings that notes it’s recommended for people with motion sickness. There’s even an NPC who suggests options for you if you’re experiencing motion sickness with the game. Is there something particular about the way the camera works in Nier that triggers motion sickness often enough that it needed that level of acknowledgement or has this always been an issue with Platinum’s games?
The NPC guy slowed the camera spinning speed to a borderline absurd degree, so I don’t think I could actually play the game like that. I did find the right camera option (this game has just about the most camera options I’ve ever seen) to slow it a notch myself, might just try slowing it one notch each time I play until it goes away.
It seems to pop up after about a half hour of play, but I’m not sure if it is because of extended exposure to it or if it is just a side effect of very ill-defined invisible walls and my attempts to jump past them. The results of this is a large amount of vertical camera jerking and I often start to feel it shortly after.
Either that or 60 FPS are the devil >_>
Mario Kart VR is way better than it has any right to be was absolutely worth 10 bucks. Fuck. Game Experience of the Year 2018.
A little air spit and chair vibration do a terrific job of replicating driving. And then you are in bright candy graphics of mario kart everywhere you look. It is terrific.
about to leave the first area in divinity 2, seems stable and like the issues i kept hearing about on launch have been fixed
it’s good
i’m happy that rogues are excellent now
i bought witcher 2 and sanic kart 2 so i have a Felix Approved ‘backlog’
hell yeah
the second area is still a little overlong if you want to do everything (and everything is so much fun to do and you can’t backtrack after leaving so there’s not as much reason to not do everything as perhaps there should be) and the focus is muddied somewhat afterward, compared with the first game’s relatively taut middle, but apart from some real minor scoping issues around then it is a spicy meatball
If only they had revisited the writing instead of the graphics. I have always considered that game to be kind of a tragic case because so many elements are excellent but the writing is bad enough to sink the whole package.
you have terrible taste! Okami is like a bog standard mediocre aughts Zelda plus inexplicably awful writing. There is nothing good about it apart from the visuals.
It also has some nice music.