No, but I’ve been eyeballing it. I’m pretty heavily into both roguelikes and puzzle games – I’ll check it out on your recommendation!
It’s all graphics, all the time
Honestly I think anyone who plays 3d games wouldn’t need tourism mode, it’s very chill as is. After the introductory zone (4 hours?) you have free reign over the world. There are no hostile patrols (you decide to attack random Roman soldiers, not the other way around) and though their bases are off-limits, they’re clearly marked and not a large part of the world. Like was mentioned earlier, you can also always fly your eagle to the bounds of the world anytime. It’s like GTA if the cops gave up after ten seconds.
I don’t think it’s necessarily a good game but it’s probably a best-possible use of $150 million in world art and graphicsgraphicsgraphics given they aren’t capable of delivering substance like CD Project.
okay so for starters: the entire game is completely ruined
they took away all of your abilities in favor of three-tiered open world upgrade shit
there’s a bunch of collectibles that you have to stop running to collect
yes the game does look less striking BUT
movement in this game is still incredible fun and the fact that you have to unlock shit has meant I’ve spent a lot more time learning how this game works so I can do crazy shit that makes it look like I’ve broken the physics of the game to get to impossible places but get this
the whole game is structured around you learning to do that
seriously all of the missions and time trial races are bonkers hard. unless you completely understand the map and all of your tools and how they work you will never get more than two stars, and you will never finish any of the courier missions. you have to learn the spots you can slide roll jump dash wall run quickturn to get onto ledges that are impossibly high and it’s like a brief moment of brilliance every time you get somewhere new
also theres a grappling hook
it is an open world game filled with nooks and crannies in impossible places that constantly make you re-evaluate how to get from one place to the next.
the first optional mission in the game is basically a challenge from the developers to disregard everything you’ve learned from that point on. it literally says: runners vision just shows you how to get there and not necessarily do it in the fastest way. taking the route the game gives you wont even get you half way to the drop off point
this, but VF5
bloodborne update day 1x:
found byrgenwerth!
send blood please.
gears of war 4 is: gears of war the force awakens, for good and for bad.
+smaller scale/ v little happens
+flirts w cover navigation as challenge in itself, someth that has been ignored since gears 1
+new standard enemies are good, metamorphosis is absolutely the right thing to do
+new weps are mostly cool tho some brush up against “this wld have read well in the design doc” cleverness
+they have decided not to have ugly skies anymore (mixed feelings tbh)
+there’s a new music sting for picking up collectibles and its absolutely ridic
-the cast is extremely bland and talk exclusively in joss whedon dialogue; also star warsy in that everyone’s related to everyone
-some missed opportunities like there’s a bit where you have to run across giant turbines. as if you dont put a sniper or turret on the other end.
-new power enemies are universally awful. they are way too spongy, limited, and the game doesnt know how to add them to dynamic encounters
-stop putting horde mode fortification shit in campaign, i hate it. stop putting fortification shit in horde mode too actually
I’m really trying to ignore the lure of it since I don’t have 100gig of disk space on my machine
there are certainly worse things to do with 100gb
it’s very interesting to me that after 5 games multiple developers and probably north of a billion dollars they still haven’t made a vehicle section or boss fight as good as any in the original game
And those weren’t even too hot
I think they peaked at the extra chapter they did for Gears 1 PC, campaign level design-wise
Just started Yakuza 5 today. A lot of the textures seem severely compressed to the point that it almost looks like the higher res versions aren’t loading in.
Is this a conscious decision by the devs to cut down the file size due to how stuff this game crams in compared to the previous 2 games? Or is my download busted?
Took me over 10 hours to download and install, so I don’t really want to do that again.
Also never noticed in the previous games that you can read the manga in the convenience stores. I guess that’s a new feature? Detective Bones looks like fun times,
with its pipe smoking, crime solving puppy
was thinking that i should finally get on the uncharted train and since i found a copy of the ps4 collection lying around, i gave the first game a shot, and…
oh boy, what a load of shit. so generic and boring it fucking hurts.
only positive in the first wee hours was simon templeman. everything else just shit.
Yeah I can’t imagine the first one has aged particularly well. The beginning especially was pretty slow. Accordingly I really can’t remember a good chunk of the beginning/middle.
Uncharted 1’s most impressive bits are the destroyed/flooded pirate mansions about halfway through. In many respects Uncharted 4 returns to Uncharted 1’s world to reimagine and close it out.
I just marathoned Policenauts with a friend. I was anticipating something Snatcher-length, but I think it took us 11 hours or so.
I’m not sure if it’s just because we played Snatcher recently, but there seemed to be fewer instances where it wasn’t clear how to trigger the next scene or dialogue option.
The purse store scene was wonderfully goofy.
The end credits listed three people as working on breast bouncing.
I’ve played 4 hours of Fidel Dungeon Rescue over the past couple days and I’ve beaten it once so far. I think it’s quite good (although some of the middle levels get kind of samey; doesn’t seem like they have quite the variety the early ones do.) It would be perfect, I think, on a phone or tablet. It’s a shame it only released on PC and doesn’t even have mouse support.
A lot of the game is simple math and routing, but it was pretty fun to figure out how the elements work and interact with each other. Any instruction you’re given purely visual, and the unlimited undo makes experimentation more approachable than it otherwise would be. It’s surprising how hard it is to figure out the optimal path on some boards.
There are some neat secrets in the game and some compelling things to do after you beat it for the first time. It’s a pretty solid little game! Plus, the sprite work is adorable.
Finally finished up Jedi Outcast and while I appreciate the idea of the AT-ST segment, especially after the tease in the early game, horrible camera angles fuck it all up along with having to shoot stormtroopers more than once to drop them with its guns.
Somebody should make a SW game that’s just all about stomping around in walkers. And by somebody I mean Lucasarts back in the mid 90s, it could have been the tank sim to X Wing/TIE Fighter’s flight sim. Old Battlefronts were nice, but the maps were a bit limited in area for them, particularly the AT-ATs.
There’s a great AT-ST segment in the opening level of Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens. You stomp around all heavy like with the camera above kind of to one side and angled down a bit blasting little lego stormtroopers to bits in one hit. Doesn’t quite last long enough because it’s a Lego game so it’s just one brief part of the rest of the level.
damn, the ability to switch between styles on a fly from combo to combo makes yakuza kiwami combat sooooo good.