Games You Played Today IV: Quest of the Avatar

You can make friends with wolves and have them hang out with you too!!


no, selectbutton is not going to trick me into playing a terrible game just because my friends are playing it, not this time. Fortnite is my line in the sand. Apex Densetsu was bad enough


Iā€™ll buy you a peely skin if you play

Thatā€™s the name of the banana

I learned that from this thread!


I have to stay strong, I have to keep reminding myself that Quake has way better stupid custom content because it was actually made by enthusiasts instead of a sweatshop


for some reason, sega 3d archives 3 crashes when i try to play it. boo hoo, i want 3d alien syndrome and turbo outrun!

the street fighter pc remake is fun. not sure if adding supers was the right decision, but everything else is great. i love genā€™s sf1 stage, but you know iā€™m a sucker for this chinese low urban (?) look


My Gumby q3 skin canā€™t floss or dab or do the Norman Smiley dance :frowning:




gumby can visit a porn museum in quake 3 tho, thatā€™s better than anything in fortnite


what is this fortnite fugue state


Some of the Fortnite skins remind me of Timesplitters unlockable characters and it always makes me melancholy.


R107 the cardboard box robot is cooler than that banana bro will ever be.


i was going to rebuke this, asking why all the shonen anime characters have guns, but then i remembered


Been playing Cult of the Lamb on top of my usual suspects.

Elevator pitch: Mix Binding of Isaac with a colony sim. Manage your cultists before setting out on murder crusades.

Itā€™s very pretty! All the UI/UX elements are super well-done. You can tell they put a lot of thought into the presentation and making it as seamless/painless as possible. I love the hatch shader, the monster/NPC designs, and overall vibe.

Mechanically though it seems very shallow. Both the combat layer and the colony layer are very easy and braindead. The average combat level is a linear path with at least two special rooms, like item/shop rooms, so thereā€™s not much in the way of exploring. The colony problems are resolved easily and thereā€™s a clear linear path to maxing out your character. Their ā€œdecisions matterā€ implementation isā€¦ a boolean choice between two ā€œdoctrinesā€ that permanently upgrade your colony, where the choice is either ā€œit doesnā€™t matterā€ or ā€œthereā€™s clearly a correct choice.ā€

Real bummer because Iā€™m enjoying it so far, but itā€™s already starting to wear on me and I regret spending $25 on it. Thatā€™s 2.5 Hohokums, another game I bought recently (I played it on launch, a long time ago) which I love dearly and which is full of amazing and fun surprises!

Cult of the Lamb so far has no surprises. None. What a disappointment.


I tried this instead of attempting the Cathedral Ward. Not that great, too long and uneven, too French. read the book or play The Last Express instead.

Whatā€™s good

environments are classy, Poirotā€™s apartment looks suitably indulgent. the art style is fine, trying to evoke the art nouveau that would have been popular in a period-attentive manner (set in 1935). voice acting is substantial, critical for a Poirot experience to hear his fussy French-Belgian accent

the climax is an incredible experience, as the game slowly leads you to the murdererā€™s identity with enough clues that you can be a step in front. butā€¦

Whatā€™s not so great

the plot is a finely-crafted thing, but itā€™s entirely the product of Agatha Christieā€™s incredible skill. all the good dialogue bits? Poirotā€™s debonaire fussiness? the final sequence slowly & gracefully enlightening you? all from the book

the animation and modeling is average to crap. there are a few mini-game activities, one is Observation (discerning a characterā€™s mood from their appearance, finding hotspots on their model). Hereā€™s the first one:

see the middle hotspot? when detected, itā€™s labeled as a slight smile. thereā€™s other instances where a hotspot is uncovered as Clenched Fists while showing clearly-relaxed hands. similarly, when talking to characters, their reaction will appear as a subtitle floating nearby, instead of acted via animation

thereā€™s a few systems in the game: walking around, point-scoring (ego points for acting in the Poirot manner), hotspot hunting (Observations, on characters and scenes), dialog trees (interrogations and Reconstructions of the events of each murder), sliding/rotating puzzles (Thinking), and (once youā€™ve found the necessary clues) set-making (Deductions, to prove/disprove a conclusion). none of them work that great.

I played on a console, so walking was the normal L-stick; R-stick was to move Poirotā€™s focus of attention, to find the next interactable object. but the focus would snap back to Poirotā€™s location if you stopped nudging the stick. so trying to be efficient & moving the focus to an object while also moving Poirot to bring it in-shot was largely useless. clearly this was designed with the mouse in mind

the scoring sounds fun, but I donā€™t have a great internal model of the Poirot nature. is he a bad cop, manipulative and intimidating? is he a stickler for whatā€™s right and proper? is he a theorist, leaping from sparse clues to dazzling conclusion? I have no idea. I can say with confidence is that he is vain, since preening his moustache in every mirror grants 3 ego points.

the dialogue trees got me the most mad. when conversing, the charactersā€™ reactions would float next to them. but often what the word said didnā€™t match the reaction. COLD would appear when the character answered a factual question simply. and the choice prompts in the reconstructions were very poorly written. for the first murder, the killer laid a railway timetable book face-down near the body, when reconstructing the events, the prompts for when the killer produces the timetable are PUT/TURN AROUND. turn around? no, the killer didnā€™t turn around. oops, wrong answer! but as a native English speaker, I know ā€˜turnā€™ implies rotating around the upright axis, and to rotate the top to the bottom is ā€˜turn overā€™ or ā€˜flipā€™. getting a reconstruction choice wrong would reset it, and you have to start again from the beginning

thereā€™s a couple of other bits that annoyed me. the game opens with a lengthy cutscene, grants control to the player, take 3 steps, next cutscene. and the tedious dialogue for attempting to leave an area before interacting with everything quickly becomes grating. why bother with letting the player move between scenes when they have no choice?? you are forced into deductions as soon as all the clues are gathered, so the game has no qualms about taking agency away

for some reason the deductions for the climax have a brightly-lit background behind the white text explaining the deduction, making them extremely difficult to read!

the multiple separate systems is an interesting idea, but they felt unpolished when I played. I think with a little more attention to how the player would experience them they could have been pretty good. the scoring was complete crap. itā€™s there to encourage replaying the entire game (to choose the correct response for all conversations), but thatā€™s a 4-5 hour affair. in my opinion, it should have been dropped OR a way to replay a section should have been added.

The Last Express is the superior Agatha Christie-inspired game: similar art style, copious voice lines, shorter, better writing, more accommodating to the player missing things, just as infuriating close-up puzzles. play that instead


I tried to get my mom into this since my folks are perpetually watching Poirot and Mrs Marple and whatever that one about the university cop is, but it wasnā€™t working. We kept running into things where we knew what the solution was supposed to be but you had to jump through incremental conversational and mind map hoops that felt brute force-y to get there.

Oh yeah, and that text was awful! Definitely not a game made for older people. That might have been the nail in the coffin.

Meanwhile she has like 2000 hours in New Vegas.


Picked Nioh 2 back up because I was hankering for some randomized loot and hoo boy returning to this game a year later mid-NG++ isi a good way to feel like you donā€™t know what videogames are. I got reminded of like a dozen mechanics and Iā€™m sure thereā€™s like 50 more Iā€™m forgetting. At least my tea cabinet is giving me good magic find bonuses.


In Bachelor night fugue I tried Mortal Shell for 3 hours.

First impression wow this is fucking dark souls.

Dark Souls! Yay more Dark Souls!

A little later: how the fuck do I level? I am supposed to find my name what does that mean? This parry system doesnā€™t work. This hardening system seems underbaked.

Even later: how the fuck do I level?? Okay I strategeried my way through a boss and this swamp just keeps dumping me back over here.

Later Still: okay i have 3 shells, two bosses, i keep losing tar/souls whatwver. How the fuck do I level???

3 hours in: okay Iā€™ve unlocked 3 areas, you just fight the same trash mob over and over and over. Then get your foot Stuck in a bear trap. Fight the same trash mob. HOW THE FUCK DO I LEVEL?

Gave up and deleted.


I have been playing Two Point Campus and liking it a lot. Itā€™s just silly stuff. This is not the kind of game stuffed full of really meaty systems or anything but you do get to plop rooms down and dress them up and upgrade teachers and put events on schedules and shit.

It is my ambition to work on a facility simulator game such as this oneā€¦ every time my husband or I find one of these games we tend to play a shit ton of games in the genre, so now heā€™s playing another school sim, and an airport sim, and soon I will be joining him on the airport sim, but first I have to defeat all these extremely British colleges and universities in Two Point Campus stuffed full of little Aardman guysā€¦

Okay, I take it back, itā€™s not all British. there is a parody of an American state school in here too, where they play a sport known as ā€œcheeseballā€ while dressed as rats.

A lot of stuff in this game is extremely relatable. Iā€™m feeling a lot like Hypothesis Massive today.


WHAT. I swear I went over there with a bunch of tar and they said ā€œyou gotta find the name.ā€

Third match ever, game rules

To win i Killed someone with a big blue afro flying around on a DBZ cloud???