I’ve only played this one but it feels good to play, the way you get stats and stuff for everything, all the incidental stuff, and taming monsters plus fishing gave me digimon world vibes.
Well you’ll be happy to know they fixed that in 4 where one of the bachelorettes is underaged unambiguously young! …wait
The comments on her character page in the wiki are full of people stating “technically the age of consent” with their attempts to justify it and I think at that point outsiders have concerns.
are the ones with anime cutscenes thwe ones you can woo cuz if its who i think it is
im mad
I was super excited for Rune Factory when it was announced – finally, a new game from the Lufia people and it’s part of the Harvest Moon franchise and I get to dungeon crawl! But, it felt a bit janky, and while I loved the colors and sort of aesthetic feel of the world, I really didn’t like that everybody looked like little kids in this game where you date people. Granted, OG HM games also suffer from this, but I suppose it didn’t bother me as much then since I was a kid when I played those (Magical Melody was ridiculous, though, everybody looked like toddlers!).
The series is cursed by the fact that there’s always a mature (re: 25+), well-written NPC that’s unavailable as a romantic partner. The games are aimed squarely at the kids with no concessions made to the tail end of their market. *sigh*
The main Harvest Moon series is a little bit better in that regard, but not by much.
Save the Homeland had a few characters that didn’t look like little kids, but that was the one you couldn’t get married in! Which sucked because I loved everything else about Save the Homeland. Hero of Leaf Valley for the PSP has the same cast, but I couldn’t really get into it because I kept getting lost in town.
get hydrated with harry
Oh yeah that boss was tough and took me a few tries to figure out!!
are all the bosses that weird and hard or is it one of those early game difficulty walls
The first few bosses are the hardest in Lost Odyssey
Afterwards most of the difficulty comes from tolerating the funeral minigame and queen’s character design
Continuing to enjoy Far Cry Primal though I’m reaching the point where it’s easy to cheese my way through a lot of encounters if I’ve got access to the full tool set. I’m convinced now that removal from the modern era is exactly what this series needs going forward but I’m sure they won’t go that way.
I was going to play Far Cry 2 or 3 at some point then so much more happened with the series, that felt AssCreedish (so many installments) and I don’t even know what to pick up.
Been playing a little Yakuza Kiwami DQV PS2 and Bloodstained every day this week, not the strangest carousel I guess.
Far Cry 2 is always worth picking up.
I will always stan Far Cry 2 despite its many flaws (including but not limited to questionable politics, bullet-sponge enemies, intensely aggravating respawn rates on the bad guys). It doesn’t make you spend as much time in menus, however, which I’ll always appreciate. One of these days I’ll give it a full second playthrough (I actually bought the game twice on 360 after I felt some remorse for trading in my original copy). Probably when there’s like a Humble Far Cry Bundle or something one day and I wind up owning the whole series.
i won’t lie: i want to give it a chance, but everything i’ve seen so far suggests that people are letting their (perfectly understandable) Igavania withdrawal cloud their judgement
I played through Knack this week.
I don’t recommend playing through Knack.
There are a couple of interesting ideas in there, primarily how your character’s power level is generally in a state of flux (you will often start weak, become powerful, become weak again and then even more powerful multiple times within a given stage), but in doing that one would assume that the developer would have to spend even more time and effort trying to get the difficulty curve right due to this. The people behind Knack felt otherwise and I’d say most of the stages in the game start harder than they end up which is odd and not entirely satisfying. By the last chunk of the game they just space further and further apart to try and work against this which works a bit.
Still the biggest issue is that that combat is very simple and has about enough variety to fill a game about half the length of the one they ended up with, and it’s not like it is a particularly long game.
Knack is great
Knack only needs two moves and a jump to save the world
Knack makes other characters look like shitty showoffs
Knack on hard with the Shinobi Knack loadout where you constantly lose health is the single greatest experience the PS4 has to offer