games you played today chronicles X: ten things I played about you

I blew through the 20-odd levels in the demo in about 40 minutes, granted these are the introductory puzzles. the bonus ones needed more thinking, hoping the full game ramps up over its course of 100 levels

personally, it felt about as hard as Chip’s Challenge, nowhere near as hard as Baba is You


I dont remember all the dumb libertarian mormon man shit from the book being in the game so much though. The book really is amazingly shit tom clancy pastiche though, what a snoozefest


I’d like to leave heide’s tower of flame. I’d like to never walk to the second bonfire ever again. I’d like to surf past the sleepy knights on one of the giant guys shields so I dont have to deal with their bullshit bad posture shambling into my life. I died like 7 times on the way to old dragonslayer but then beat him in one try. I felt bad that we completely fucked up all the shit in the cathedral but then the guy who lives there was a total fucking dick to me so whatever I guess. Enjoy hanging out with your fucking gank squads in all that church detritus, buddy.


i just want to personally emphasize that it absolutely was not


Kinda wish they put a little more juice in these “Sparking Episodes” in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. Frieza defeating Goku on Namek has all the dramatic flair of a guy standing on a ladder throwing a rock at another guy below (it visually looks like their attack clash is happening like 20 feet apart).

Still, though…still a cool game. Still scratching that itch.


FFIV has fun encounters. The way they control your party makes it easy for them to balance things and make them consistently challenging, preventing you from steamrolling things. This is something I thought they did excellently in FFIX. But, adversely, this does contribute to the feeling that I’m being railroaded by a story, alongside the frequent cutscenes.


IIRC the villain has a big monologue before he takes off in his SHIELD helicarrier or whatever about how awesome it’s gonna be to bring about the New Roman Empire, so it’s definitely there. I never read past the first few pages of the book.


wow tower unite hits the same cheevo whore buttons as ffxiv. amazing. i love watching my numbers go up and hearing SUNSHINE DAYYYYY for riding a rollercoaster, or touching a pumpkin, or shooting a ghost, or doing a type race, or popping balloons, or rolling in a monkey ball, or playing minigolf with the most evil collision, or jumping off a building, while being nekoarc (smaller) adn doing a little dance. i like getting mad at vs modes and blowing all my participation monies at the casino, i love yelling at all the bugs and at how almost nothing works correctly but it all works enough to be fun. i didnt realize a minigame collection with a hub you can walk through would be so compelling. i dont know how LONG this will be fun, i can see myself getting tired of a lot of these games in time but for now im having a blast on tower tuesdays. if you play please please make sure you get the condo tour from @rickfert. OH YEAH YOU CAN DECORATE A HUGE HOUSE WITH WHATEVER STUPID SHIT YOU WANT

also im starting dark souls 2 but im gonna make a thread for that ill do it right now so i actually play this hellgame

edit okay i did it


is it wrong to compare it to playstation home?

i included the playstation home logo because i still think it’s amazing
EDIT: why did it make that so big when it crushes everything else?
EDIT EDIT: oh it crushed it now


Astlibra Gaiden : This is supposed to be a roguelite DLC to hit RPG Astlibra. There’s a huge randomly generated dungeon and you have to start at lvl 1 every time.

But in practice the meta-progression is so strong that character levels become irrelevent after the first boss or so, and there are a ton of shortcuts to unlock. So it’s not really a roguelike, or even a roguelite, and it really just feels like an excuse to go through a condensed Astlibra playthrough, with a girl this time, much less story, and no level design.

This is really the ideal form of an ARPG, it starts fairly tame then ramps up and up and up with layers upon layers of mechanics and insane passive skills unlocks, and at the end everything looks so fucking stupid, with a main character going at cheetah speed instantly killing everybody on sight and vacumming unreal amounts of enemy drops. The screen is often so filled with nonsense I can’t even see what’s happening and hitstun takes up half the running time.

I often look at game footage and wonder « This is so divorced from reality, how did we get there » Usually it’s derogatory but not here


no that’s still too readable

we can go further


playing an rpg called “hello charlotte”

wow i can’t believe i missed out on this whole “people making good rpg maker games again instead of cheap jumpscare bullshit for racists on youtube to scream over” thing


Paying money for and spending the time to set up a mister has unfortunately led me back down the dark path of playing video games

Marvel Land is still the best platformer on the Genesis/Mega Drive

High Seas Havoc is still a game made by perverts meant to torture children who looked at it and thought it was a Sonic rip off

Zool is actually a good game and the only way you’ll convince me otherwise is with a gun to my head. Even then I might consider the bullet the lesser of two evils


suicide squad: shoot the justice team feels soooo good to play and the sense of humor is actually quite nice. if sunset overdrive was mostly borderlands. i wish midnight suns was this funny. every game now is megalopolis


the way people talk about Disco Elysium makes it sound like they played a real gonzo weirdo Harry du Bois (i know his name now!!) whereas i keep running into this problem where i am genuinely compelled by the setting & invested in the characters and dont want to spoil it with some jokey-joke bullshit. is there something wrong with me??!

VOLITION [Easy: Success] – Of course there’s nothing wrong with you, silly-billy.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Challenging: Success] – You’re invested in the fiction! There’s nothing wrong with that. You want to roleplay this roleplaying game. That’s part of the fun!!!
DRAMA [Medium: Success] And you want to play it to the RAFTERS!!! Really embrace the character, give it your all!!

Like idk i just dont want to act out against anyone in Martinaise more than Harry already has. other than the actual fuckin racists they’re all very sweet. i would die for Lena the cryptozoologist’s wife, and i’d die again for Cuno. I want to make shit up to Garte, and befriend the trucker humming poetry & and the gangster girl doing graffito near the wharf. I wanna be a commie even tho this game makes fun of you for being a commie, cuz beyond the mockery my Empathy spots a genuine smile.


this is a problem i had with soul calibur vi’s character creation mode. luckily all the wacky memesters moved on pretty quickly, while people making their cool ocs stuck around significantly longer than namco did.

but even in games i don’t play, i’ve long since grown sick of that kind of thing. it’s so alien to me that people would want to play something like baldur’s gate 3 or elden ring as a stupid joke character. i can only assume a fear of sincerity rooted in a weakness of character

this is only tangenitally related to your post at this point, and it gets less so the longer i keep typing


goofballing is significantly less energy-intensive, i don’t think there’s more to it


i think you’re right about the first part but then therefore wrong about the second part.

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I mean you wanting to be nice to people is just another kind of roleplaying; what reads to you as a “joke” character choice might read to someone else as an authentic representation of a damaged personality that they want to use the game to explore. That goes double for Disco Elysium which is all about managing, or not, the chaotic storm of a consciousness right on the ragged edge of insanity.


I made a total goofball character for BG3 because I had come to expect a certain level of comedy and levity in Larian games, and there’s nothing more boring to me than playing ‘default protagonist’ when I could be playing a muppet freak who wants to fuck everything

The trick is to play a goofball but take the roleplaying seriously

Disco Elysium manages this trick for the players because HDB is a ridiculous loser and that’s how you can get at the falstaffian angst and depth without it being suffocatingly twee.

In other words, I made a hornt up githyanki monk named Justice Weed as a bit, but I was committed to the bit. Sincerity and Irony feel like the wrong (and the most played out) dichotomy to describe ‘playing joke characters in video games’ when its more a question of are you invested in the scenario or aren’t you.