Games You Played Today: Actress Again: Current Code (Part 1)

you know I gotta blood Skulls


spent halloween playing left 4 dead 2 with some friends


I guess I don’t understand this as negative criticism; you literally just wrote everything I think is valuable about the game.

Like, this

sounds like a horror show to me. I do not need the developers of Call Of Fucking Duty to tell me a story thanks


practiced in ggxxac+r for a bit. it’s been years since i even considered i might be fighting people in ggxx again, so there’s some rust, but also, some of the things i could do still comes naturally to me. surprised how much easier execution is than in melty, but maybe that’s just bias from putting way more hours into #r and original ac way back in my teens. practicing aba (who i want to be my ac main) and dizzy (whom is my old #r main).

also finished the original sonic, just barely by the skin of my teeth! didn’t expect that boss to be the actual final boss cause it seems way too lame and unimpressive for that. something i didn’t understand when i was younger was why would a sonic game be good if it disregards speed for meticulous platforming, but that latter thing is kinda what i want these days, so i enjoyed this. at least for the most part cause labyrinth zone can go straight to hell


SF1 is a terrible game. Nothing could have prepared me for how bad it is. I beat it anyway so I can NEVER play it again.


I have the Borderlands and Bioshock collections via PS+ so I fired up the second installment of each series just out of curiosity and for old times’ sake.

Sometimes you can’t go home again. I got into my second or third scripted event in each game and I was like “alright, that’ll do.” To say nothing of the constant calls from NPCs in each game. Which I’m okay with in principle but if I dislike the dialogue I have a lot more trouble with it now.


I did a mission in Watch Dogs and unlocked a little old hacker woman with a tiny flop of an undercut who runs around clad in leather and calls people “deary.”

I checked her profile to find out more about her.

Age: 49

So we’re doing the anime age thing here, I guess.

Always fun to pour a few hours into one of these big ass open world games, finally do a mission, and have the first one be an elaborate controls tutorial.



I seem to have fond memories of Timesplitters, but now I realize it wasn’t from this.

I hated the FPS as a child. It scared me. I experienced so many on the N64, playing against my older brother. Dying felt certain and random. I would run away or hide as much as possible. I would try to find a corner and shoot at a doorway, hoping I could catch my brother before he caught me. This liminal period for console shooters was a bad time for me back then and it’s a bad time for me now. Free Radical Design, a rebel faction split from Rare, hardly tries to break through into something new and interesting.

I played this game for two hours, alone. The “story” missions are all about finding some MacGuffin and returning to an escape point. It’s much more thoughtless than DooM, Halo, or Goldeneye. Like Goldeneye, there’s a rudimentary spray-and-pray feeling to the action. Deliberate aiming feels like a total waste of time when the cursor snaps to different targets and enemies die within two or three shots. I liked the variety of level themes but the character design is atrocious. Seriously, the way they modeled female characters is disgusting. However, I do have to admit that the names are gloriously stupid. To give a sampling, there’s Fingers McKenzie, Peekaboo Jones, Sebastian Photon, and Ravelle Velvet.

I remember I had a friend in the neighborhood who was about five years younger than me. When I was around 14 and he was 9, I brought Timesplitters over to his house and we had a good time. He got really excited about it and told his mom how fun he had shooting tommy guns. She got angry at me and told me that that wasn’t the sort of thing she wanted her kid to see. The kid is an adult now and he lives in Myrtle Beach, coaching people on how to trade on Forex while supporting Trump. Was it my fault he turned out this way? Would things be different had I shown him Ico and Sky Odyssey instead? Probably not. Honestly, I blame his mom.


played the new hyrule warriors demo. the fighting is good but i think there’s way too much bloat in the rest of it

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Do you like watching cute things happen to cute girls? Do you like spending time in menus combining items you found during your excursions to unimpressive locations with completely unengaging gameplay? Play Atelier Sophie, it’s practically a mobile game minus predatory practices.

I’ve been playing it on and off throughout the week when my brain is too fried to do anything else for the day but I still want to press buttons, and it’s fine.


Last night, Halloween, I played some spooky things. All of Kitty Horrorshow’s Haunted Cities Vol. 1

and most of Haunted Cities Vol. 4 (which released last night!). In it, my favorites were absolutely Exclusion Zone (first pic) and Lethargy Hill (second pic; maybe my favorite game by Kitty).

Additionally, I played through the entirety of Alone in the Dark and had a blast. That game makes Resident Evil seem like barely even an iteration. Crazy to think the survival horror formula was more or less complete right out the gate. I really recommend giving the game a shot, it is not any more difficult to play than other survival horror games. The puzzle solutions can be obscure, however. Then after AitD, I continued to play Elsinore which I am loving. I have seen most of the puzzle’s individual parts and now I am beginning to imagine how they all come together, which is always a fun time for games like this such as Outer Wilds and Return of the Obra Dinn.

Accidentally posted in this in another thread :grimacing:


On third play through of saga scarlet grace, about 160 hours total


I played through Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs start to finish last night.

Pretty cool beginning, kind of cool ending, non stop weird pacing through the middle, stupider monsters that were less threatening but made the game better because of how quickly you evade them, with a cool freaky monster design.

The best part was everyone on the discord stream yelling “that’s it! The machine for pigs” every time we saw something that could arguably be that, before @Tulpa suggested they would sue Frictional for making a game about “Some machines for pigs”

10/10 Halloween streaming experience.


Don’t play this by yourself not because it’s too scary but because you will have to push levers and pipes in non puzzles for like four of the five hours of machining for pigs and I don’t think I would have persisted were in not for the intrepid crew watching me.

But I can’t deny that…


Oh yeah i also got super into BOTW, didnt make it to the first village until 50 hours in, started snooping around the final area for fun, ran into the last area by accident, was forced into beating the game. It was weird. Just beat my first actual boss at 160 hours idk


played Killer Is Dead, first time i tried any of the post-killer7 action game Grasshopper ones. which game was patient zero for “levels set inside someone’s memories where you wander across stone paths in an abyss and find frozen tableaus of events from the past”?? Code Vein does this exact same thing as well, weirdly. in KID’s defense the second time this happens it turns out to just be a feint and you immediately go back to fighting regular enemies. phew!! anyway i’m enjoying it so far. as someone not very good at action games i do appreciate the kind of Devil May Cry school of letting you feel like you’re playing stylishly and well even when you’re only really hitting the basics, while still suggesting you could be playing MORE stylishly or well if you dug in a little further.

sometimes i feel a little creeped out by the cottage industry of “elevated action” games (no relation to elevator action) where a fancy theme is bolted on to fairly conservative genre product, a la bioshock, spec ops, etc. with this game i enjoy it because the themes and artful qualities are very vague, so far - they don’t really work as anything you can extract and push as a self-contained justification for the rest of the work, it’s just a glimpsed background that you run past which is more engaging for being half-seen. something something the moon as vision of alterity and desire something something working for the state. always knowing just enough to be haunted by what you don’t know, as you get pulled back into the rhythm of the working week.

i’ve mostly been playing the missions and not the side challenges or “gigolo” ones. the gigolo missions are framed as dates with various women where you have to eye up their… breasts? laps? throats? at moments when they’re not looking at you. it is very creepy and stupid and obviously malegazey, but is also weird because you actually play these segments with a videogame gaze - pure visuality in videogames tending to be subordinate to the very weird way we read these things, scanning the screen first for information about the limits of the system (walls, hitboxes, triggers, etc) and only taking in what’s actually represented after the fact. so rather than staring creepily at virtual bodies what you really do in these sections is crazily roll the camera around in miscellaneous directions until the screen flashes and your guy says YES or OK and popups come up saying things like +35POINTS and a little gauge fills at the bottom of the screen. when you get the brain gauge filled up you can give the girl a present and if you give her enough presents a voice screams YEAHHHHHHH and you gain a new optional subweapon. i cannot imagine a single human or UFO entity getting off to this unless they specifically have a fetish for tiresome minigames. anyway i got the drill and the freeze gun but haven’t really tried them out, so my fond hope is that remaining chaste for the rest of the game will let me save enough money to eventually purchase Unlimited Blood.


Looking forward to what you think of it by the end. I thought KID had some really nice scenes and imagery but there’s not enough of it throughout the game. The gigolo stuff was a pretty rough intervention by the publisher who were pushing for more sexy female characters because sales (and it worked since KID is now one of the world’s most popular franchises). Originally Mondo’s arm was going to have tonnes more functions but I think KID went through a bit of a rough development trying to meet aforementioned publisher demands.


I think KiD is the only game they’ve made since Killer7 that really evoked the same sort off-kilter tone of Killer7. It’s framed in “episodes” like it’s an anime, isn’t it? But it feels like syndication where you’re watching the show out of order and you’re only ever seeing every third episode. You are able to follow the general gist of who the characters are but you only ever have a half-understanding of the overarching plot and the world building, so half the fun is trying to piece together some grounding or logic to it all. But it never quite comes together and you’re always kept unbalanced, which is for the better. Your imagination is ultimately way better than whatever the developers probably intend anyway. But I think it works well as a horror police procedural/anthology.

Now that I think about it, a comparison is those documents you find towards the end of Control that talk about the events of some town. You find several documents that are telling the series of events there took place in it, but you never find all the documents nor do you find them in order. You get glimpses into what happened but you never have enough information to completely understand what exactly you’re reading. Killer is Dead, and Killer7, are like full video games of that kind of writing.


I just want to quit my job and play random old ZZT games full time. Where else can you see this:



(I’ll be honest, I actually kind of like Morcheeba, but that is definitely the funniest possible band it could have been)