Games You Played Today: Actress Again: Current Code (Part 1)

the theater level is the only thief gold added level I like

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yeah that’s Songs of Caverns. Really good level.

I wouldn’t mind the thieves guild if it were something you did separately, and not the 2nd level in the game, cause I like a 90s pc game sprawling labyrinth

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I’m on Song now, and just got to the twist, which i’m into. I like how this game uses the objective list to trick you (Assassins was the best one so far imo)

But yeah i haven’t enjoyed either of the previous gold levels, they’ve been my least favorite yet. Thieves Guild would be fine if it was 10% shorter and had 1/2 as many guards, as is it took me fucking forever and i was pretty sick of it by the end. The mage towers were just dull. Don’t ever make me stand around waiting for slow floating platforms lol

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I remember in Fable 2 that consumables weren’t immediately removed from the player when used, so you could drink the same XP potion 4 or 5 times by mashing the inventory button as soon as it closed to show the VFX around the player’s avatar

all while standing next to a small child in the town square next to the potion seller’s stall, come small child and join me on my epic quest to master 57 levels of ranged combat by slamming energy drinks as fast as possible, somehow emptying the can, turning it around and emptying it again?


a masterpiece of a game in self-beclowning


I had a friend that sincerely thought it was a master piece in middle school. I tried it via PS3 semi-recently and you accurately described the start but I did not encounter joy from that experience.

I had another friend who kept arguing Brave Fencer Musashi would beat Link and I couldn’t get through to him I did not care and that cemented me hating WWWIAF questions.

My friend has ruined my life by convincing me to play Magic the Gathering Arena


The Lost City is a pretty great level, IMO. just the uncanny lo-res Tomb Raider vibes, the spooky fireball things, and the map being the way it is makes it feel unique to me. i also like The Mages Towers mostly because i like the weirdness of the trippy Zelda dungeon-esque elemental sections even though they’re kind of slow and silly.

Thieves’ Guild though… that level blows so much. even if it was cut down a lot, the beginning especially feels super off-brand and i’m not sure what the motivation for Garrett as a character to even be robbing the Thieves Guild at all in the first place. it feels extremely shoehorned in. i almost consider the whole mission to be non-canon. i will say i actually do think the level gets better as it becomes an underground labyrinth because it becomes sort of like a more simulation-y Deus Ex level for a bit… but it goes on way too long, with tons of backtracking, and a lot of the environments are pretty half-baked.



I couldn’t be bothered to go back to find level keys in the Turok remaster so I played through most of Doom on Switch instead.

I’m gonna beat Thy Flesh Consumed today then go back for them damn keys.

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damn i messed up

Did a quick session on the recent GOG release of Panzer Dragoon and found the graphical enhancements dubious (not to mention the frequent screen-tearing) and a lot less charming than the original aesthetic, and as something I never had the pleasure of owning back in the day I still feel more nourished by having experienced Lylat Wars in all its furry antics, alternate pathways and high score hunting instead

Next Stop: Lost Planet


sorry, still playing genshin impact

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I started stumbling through Roommania #203 and it boots up with some out-of-place live action TV spots being watched by a guy whose life you are trying to influence, as an invisible benevolent (?) deity, by throwing ping-pong balls to nudge various items in his room from a fixed camera angle.

This doesn’t capture it much but letting the game sit at the title screen brings up an attract mode of sorts showing different angles of the guy’s very detailed period-accurate room. As you play voyeur and prod at his stuff you hear late 90s J-indie/Shibuya-kei music and realistic TV and radio show audio mixed in among Sega IP music that makes me think of sitting inside a Yakuza convenience store. I think despite the language barrier it can be appreciated as a time capsule of that era and with my limited comprehension it sort of has that Love-de-lic feeling of trying to piece together what the game wants you to do from abstract interaction with quirky characters and puzzle pieces.


Slippi unranked is a special kind of hell sometimes

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I accidentally opened up Crazy Taxi Gajillionaire (Crazy Taxi Tycoon) and lost two days to it. I must have downloaded it again when the news came they shut down the servers in April.

Which sucks because I can’t look at ads at all. There is literally no reason to play this anymore (or ever). The button pressing is very nice though. I trying looking but it seems like every other clicker game is hot garbage.

Looking at how to maximize my clicking is the taking control of my life that I need. Dang it Sega!!

If you can’t look at ads you cannot activate the money booster.

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I stopped playing a month ago. The low friction of matchmaking (you’re in a game in a couple seconds) means that people just rage quit all the time since it’s nearly zero effort to start another game.

It was literally like 50% of my games – I start a good combo and, whoops, dc’d.

Mid-level Smash attracts a lot of people that want to show boat but refuse to learn fundamentals, so playing Sheik against them seems to really piss them off.


As a Ganon main it’s a toss-up whether I meet the standards of a player. I’ve had multiple matches where a Marth or Fox will start auto-piloting some flashy combo and immediately quit after taking the first stock because I’m not good enough?

Nothing more satisfying than beating a flashy Falco or Marth with a fundamentals Ganon. There are way too many people who wanna show me their dash-dance or multishine than actually play the damn game.

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