Games You Played Today: Actress Again: Current Code (Part 1)

If it’s anything like the first Receiver, it is for sure something that people on here would find very interesting or even really great if they gave it a shot. Never felt a more intense “flow” state than when I was scanning rooms, manually loading rounds, tapping w to run. It’s a supreme videogame experience imo


unsure what to make of the silver case as of three hours and the typing sound effect whenever someone is talking is not good and i can’t figure out how to disable it… but i’m enjoying the tunes

also enjoying the odd bit of ff6, strongly considering a raspi/mister fpga for older stuff at the moment


Keep tapping whichever shoulder button it is that blocks.

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playing the silver case was pretty monotonous, I’ll be honest and say. I quit early on and came back to it months later, dedicating some time to play a case each night until I finished it. It stopped feeling like suffering by the time I was late into the third case, Spectrum. Then I was eager and excited to hear the typing noise (which I personally love). But, word of advice, the B-side cases, called Placebo, are even more monotonous. I made the unfortunate mistake of not playing in the sequence of doing one Transmitter case and then a Placebo case after, so I just had to do 5 placebo cases back to back to back… and all you do in them is get up out of bed and check emails.

I have a tip though for the gameplay moments. It seems like clicking on the movement arrows shown on the UI makes you move at like 2x speed than normal, so do that instead of using the arrow keys to navigate around environments. Makes things a little faster.

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Join me in the Church of the Receiver.

Just wait til you get to the highest level. A celebration and a fuck you all in one

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Played a bit of this co-op ghost hunting VR game with a friend today. And except for the VR fatigue we both experienced a couple games in, and including the jank, it was a pretty fun and cool experience. You use a set of equipment to determine what kind of haunting is occuring at the location, then you try to antagonize the ghost into revealing itself long enough for you to capture evidence (photograph, biological) of its existence. The game uses your headset’s microphone to display your breath, which turns misty around hauntings, and listen in on what you’re saying either so you can talk to the ghost or the ghost perhaps aggravate it by saying its human name out loud. The idea is that you are trying to sell the info you gather to exorcists, so you want as much info on the thing as you can get. But the longer you stay, the more you poke the ghost, the more angry and violent it becomes. Plenty creepy.

Edit: The game has cameras that act like screens, but the funny thing about them is they do not capture the image of whichever player picks them up. My friend was killed and I still had to get photographic evidence of the haunting, so I thought I might snap a pic of my friend’s dead body lying in the kitchen. And it was so creepy to forget how the cameras work when I took the pic and his body wasn’t in the photo…

We also had a violent encounter with a Wraith, and my friend didn’t realize he was killed by it. After trying to escort me to where this “strange thing” (his murder) happened to him, he had a very Ghostial Realism moment when realizing that I couldn’t see him even though he was standing in front of me waving me on to follow him. That’s when he understood, intellectually and with his very soul, that he had been killed and was now a ghost.


I played some Hades. On my third run ever, I almost reached the last layer (but died against the third major boss)! In contrast in Spelunky 2 I didn’t even leave 1-1 until like 10 runs in (and Spelunky 2 doesn’t have permanent rewards)

I remember Bastion and Transistor as Pretty Cool but Hades isn’t. It feels like Supergiant dropped their ambition to make something that’s more than just a videogame I guess. You’re basically DmC Dante trying to get out of hell, fighting things on the way. There’s a Darkest Dungeonish narrator, he’d be good but the protagonist can’t help but drop some Whedon one liners after each time the narrator speaks so that kind of ruins it.
Each character is a Blasé Badass. On the other hand, the art is absolutely gorgeous (like everything in this game) so I never tire of looking at them. Here is the wine god pal

Each time I play a Supergiant game, my brain is telling me « When does the real action start », because it can’t accept an isometric action game. The action IS actually good though! (as it was in Bastion and Transistor) It still feels fundamentally wrong

Persistent rewards in a roguelike are blasphemy, but wow, is this game good at giving dopamine! Each time you die you keep like four different currencies you get to spend in your hub + gifts you can give to any named character so you just do another run and the game just keeps you playing forever until you die


I’m interested in doing a chronological exploration of the PS2 library and I want to write about stuff here. Previously, when I attempted something like this, I had trouble pacing myself. I would jump around too much and loose focus. This time, I’ve come up with a system.

  • I’m not going to commit to every game.

  • I’ll select about 20% of the games that were released in a given time period. Then, I’ll ask you all to cut that number in half. Pick stuff you think would be fun to read about!

  • I’m going to go by the first release date, wherever that happened.

  • I’m going to stick with a game for at least two hours (the average length of a movie).

So, to test this out, I’ll need your help to pick my first game from the spring of 2000. I’ve narrowed it down to these:

  • Eternal Ring
  • Evergrace
  • Fantavision
  • I.Q. Remix+: Intelligent Qube
  • Ridge Racer V
  • Tekken Tag Tournament

0 voters


fantavision should 100% be your first stop on a tour of the PS2. brief, flashy, techy, very fucking 2000. worth noting that the JP and US version differ a lot - the JP version has the superior soundtrack but lacks 2p mode:

i love evergrace and eternal ring but 2 hours is probably not going to get you particularly far in those games. they are slower burns. eternal ring is kind of shitty, actually. the movement just doesn’t feel very good and the music is a significant downgrade from the usual From fare. evergrace, on the other hand, has an all-timer soundtrack and is worth playing for that alone

ridge racer V is amazing! i would play that 2nd - easy to get into and out of, never anything short of fun. it drops the really neat story stuff from R4 but it holds its own just fine out of sheer mechanical bliss


Tekken Tag is peak launch year PS2. The opening CG and look of the game really capture the weird junction between PS1 and PS2 visuals.


I had no idea they had different soundtracks! This house music, easy listening fusion is straight up my alley.

The 2 hour rule is there to encourage me to play a game more. If I wind up getting drawn in by something, I’ll play it for longer.

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i’ve never played IQ or TTT so i can’t comment on those but i can at least tell you that tekken tag runs great and looks great and has a really great soundtrack too


well just to complicate things further, the one i linked above is actually the JP “futari no fantavision” version with remixed music and with the added 2p version from the international releases

i can’t find the original jp soundtrack on youtube! but it’s great too!


I don’t know if they were any good but Evergrace and Eternal Ring are both From games.

I think Ininly played Tekken Tag from that list but it’s probably the least interesting to write about unless you’re a huge fighting game head.

Tekken Bowl tho

My family loved to play this back in the day. The only fighting game I’ve played with my dad.


something about bowling down heihachi pins in a mountain temple with cheering monks just completes this as perfectly tekken. hype af minigame


mods own thread etc.

I just played Cuphead for 3 hours straight and I fucking hate it. That time just snuck out of me such as my rage. I thought that Bee Boss that slightly changes the camera and you should be constantly moving up and shooting DOWN but if you hit down and jump you fall to your death was bad but the fucking robot shooter level at least taught me how much I trust STGs. You gotta trust the developers and their patterns. And this robot is like a drummer that randomly drops or adds a beat. It’s mean! It’s mean in the name of folks going “wow this game is hard” and “i beat cuphead with a rockband drum set and my gentialia.” I gotta delete it. It’s raising my blood pressure even now. It is literally a health risk. BAD GAME.


in the past 18 hours, I’ve beaten River City Girls 3 times

I fear I might beat it again

none of you can stop me, you hear me?

none of you


Lava-ringed Games You’ve Played Zone

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or, The Borderlands Zone

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