Paradise killer wants to be the cool new thing so, so, so extremely badly. It was immediately tossing so much ‘cool shit’ at me: DEMONS! SPACE! GOAT HEADS! FRIENDLY BAR OWNING SKELETONS! INTERDIMENSIONAL SPORTS CARS! VAPORWAVE STATUARY!
…which gives the thing a really try hard vibe. So much of this feels like chasing internet cool shit. Half the characters feel like they were engineered for people on tumblr in 2015 to get obsessed over, and still have the same sarcastic character voice even if their voice acting lines are delivered pretty differently.
The world is cool looking though, with the vaporwave tropical vibe. The most interesting writing is pretty much all the little vignettes about what being enslaved in vaporwave heaven is like, and you get literally hundreds of little collectibles. Which means constantly, constantly, picking them up alongside currency and talking to a weird demonic dog thing. The currency matters, the rest doesn’t.
Navigating the world is initially neat. The varied multilayered map design is fun to work out initially, and learning the flow of the place is real pleasure at the start. So many nooks and crannies, and juuust enough of them hide actual game relevant evidence and light puzzles.
But…this is in the context of an investigation game, so periodically you have to stop exploring the cool space talk to the same-voiced sarcastic jerks. You collect new evidence, you tell them about evidence, you do very truncated social links, and you get new clues for the clue rolledex…which the game immediately spells out for you. Every time. There is no actual logical reasoning in the detective work, all the evidence is put in a nice list. There is no carefully piecing together the timeline, no carefully comparing your initially contradictory evidence and proving both things actually happened…you just get a bunch of evidence and the game draws the links for you.
So much of the game is just getting dripfed hints from people until you run into someone who just blurts the whole story out.
Once I was getting to the end, the cool multi textured island started to become a pain. I had extracted everything I could from it, and was just talking to everyone while running down the clock.
Maybe this would be fine if the story was actually cool but no. The story feels so…limp. So very, very, little of the worldbuilding actually matters in the end. But so much of the writing focuses on worldbuilding over characterization?? Nobody has a personality until you max out their social links and then you get about one paragraph of text that really, really, doesn’t matter to anything much.
The much vaunted single trial system itself seems like an underbaked joke. You literally just pick a person with a long list of evidence and just click each piece of evidence and then it tells you if you had enough to convict. That’s it. That’s the trial system.
spoilers for the shape story (but not specific details)
The actual final trial itself is supposed to be about ‘choosing your truth’ which is what it literally is. There are two conspiracies, both of which happened, and both of which basically get the same people people convicted the only real change being which final mastermind is declared the final mastermind. But neither set of events is contradictory, and in fact, both clearly happened. There are maybe one or two subjective choices but in all cases but even then there is a clear actual canonical truth that fits the larger facts even if on paper even when both are plausible.
Also it’s really clear there is a fail state for the trial, even if the game says there isn’t. So beware of that.
At the end of the day, I wanted this game to be a fun puzzle to chew on, a compelling roller coaster of revelations, a deep exploration of a cool fantasy world, something that made some kind of interestingly chewy philosophical statement…and while it hints at all of that it’s just kinda just underbaked? And the obvious level of attention to detail and craft of the whole thing makes all the writing so much more painful because it really is the writing that kills it.
It’s such a weird wet firecracker of a game it kind of made me angry from how good it almost could have been but wasn’t.
Good soundtrack though. Or at least, a soundtrack I can’t get out of my head.