Games That I Hate And Everyone Tells Me I'm Wrong

Relatedly, my favorite level is probably 5-2. The vertical drop in that level is so fucking ominous, especially your first time through. As an inexperienced player, you’re certainly going to fall in the pit, and you see some sign at the top right that maybe that wasn’t where you were supposed to go.

You fall and fall and fall, much further than any other level, and you land in a deep black pool at the bottom. It’s so dark down here, that the water is nearly indistinguishable from the pit’s walls. You go through the pipe, and a deluge of water sends you tumbling even further down. The green cave walls are alien and uninviting. You see an enemy you’ve seen before, but this time they’re much more aggressive, picking up blocks and throwing them directly at you. These caves are a cramped, brutal, and terrifying gauntlet.

If, however, you successfully land on the tiny platforms and claw your way up the right side of the level, you’re treated to some breezy slides, passive enemies, and a gigantic box with 3 one-ups inside. Jesus, what a contrast!