Game of the Year for all Years: Shadow of List Hoarders

Maybe this time instead of a list we can do a matrix

my nomination for 1980 is Rogue

I am an iconoclast

I would like to see this but with books


Iā€™m down to list.

I also think sometime it would be fun to do a ā€œbest levelā€ list where everyone gets to say only one single level/stage/mission from one video game. But thatā€™s another thread for another time.


The problem I have of lists like this is that I never really attach ā€œthe year of releaseā€ to most games mentally, so it innevitably involves lots of looking shit up for me to make one. Also because I am always playing/reading/watching older shit removed from the immediacy of its own time.

Like, for example, is Shenmue 1 100% the best game of whatever year it was released in? Most definitely, but I donā€™t exactly remember that year (I am pretty sure it is 2000 in the US but barely 1999 in Japan) and I only came to this idea this year, so I feel weird about saying ā€œthe best game of 2000ā€ with that in mind, because it doesnā€™t really have anything to do with 2000 for me. It is one of my best games of 2019, and I think playing it bookended by almost 20 years of my life is actually kinda an important reason for that.


This is of course to say I will attempt to participate and probably fail.

are these two things supposed to be related or

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@T and I maintain a half complete spreadsheet of every interesting game of the 10s Iā€™ll just pull a game for each year of this decade and phone in the rest


2010 Mount and Blade Warband

2011 Dark Souls

2012 Waking Mars/English Country Tune

2013 868 Hack/The Yawhg (this was a bad year for games)

2014 Hadean Lands/Nidhogg (this was a great year)

2015 Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

2016 Quern/Videoball

2017 Cinco Paus/Gorogoa

2018 Six Ages

2019 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice but Iā€™ll still change my mind at the last minute because this year has been extraordinarily good for games


wherein its revealed that I have boring midbrow tastes in games and all my elitism was for naught

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868 hack is not better than papers please

and 2015 has some pretty stiff competition

and frankly the only big budget action games you have being fromsoft is not the best look

Papers Please was firmly a game that was interesting to read about but a chore to play, and I donā€™t like the centrist optics of it where it displaces and whitewashes a thing happening in america into jokesy soviet kitsch.

After having made a point of playing more big budget action games this year I can say with 100% certainty that AAA action sucks for the most part


la noire was the best game of 2011 to me so i thought i was not qualified to post a list but i looked at CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED GAMES OF 2011 on wikipedia and they almost all suck ass

the idea that it has to be designated American in the first place and proceed from that perspective seems somewhat galaxy brained to me

but please do let me know what are the big budget action games I missed or ignored, maybe thereā€™s something out there that doesnā€™t feel awful

the kind of ā€œha ha soviet russia!!!ā€ aesthetic it cultivates is very much in the wheelhouse of american hacks though


titanfall 2, Wolfenstein 2, and Siege, just for shootersā€¦

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yeah, I see it, but as someone who doesnā€™t spend that much time getting red scared I think the monotony and bureaucratic nightmare are fair game if youā€™re gonna come up with such great sound design

maybe if they came out during less competitive years

(2016 is currently, by a long shot, the most interesting year in video games this decade, with 33 games making it to my spreadsheet)

beyond: two souls