
It feels like it needs to be incubated for another decade or so until the headset annoyances get worked out, but there’s a huge field of design with hard-won gains and it’d be a shame to lose most of it through atrophy. It feels like we’re in the early Famicom phase of VR right now, if the '90s boomlet was Pong clones.

Wait, that’s actually a bad analogy because we’re lacking the Nintendo, Capcom, Konami bedrock publishers – this is really the '80s PC game market.


Oculus Quest is so close after using it at the meetup. When that thing hits $200 I genuinely think it’s gonna be the turning point for VR.

It was good enough and so easy to set up.

I think we might be in the 2-5 year range now after using it.

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I hope not, any market ceded to Facebook is better not existing

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I would like it if any VR headset managed to not look like a blurry mess for me, but I know that isn’t changing. My head is too big to wear glasses in them, and none of them have managed to figure this out so far, which kinda really sucks. I think it’s a combination of the glasses and my eyes being farther apart than they are built for, because I also get doubled images in most of them.

They can still be fun even with this, but it’s one of the things holding me off on paying for any of them.


I looked into prescription lenses this time, purchased a pair, and they pop right into the headset. It’s pretty great!

The Index has an interpupillary slider and if it’s not set right, you’ll get doubled vision. I think it goes 50-70mm? I set it to 65; after seeing your glasses, maybe you’d need a little over 70?

I think this exposes how intimately VR needs to be fitted to a body and how it may eventually need to be treated like prosthetics, a tough leap for consumer electronics. Those prescription lenses exist because of cheap 3D printers and online lens grinders.


Yeah, that is probably what I would need to do, but that only makes it more cost prohibitive to me ever bothering with it. Like I have enjoyed it, but it always feels like playing a game out of focus, which is not great.

If this game turns out to be legit I’m thinking I’m just gonna do a catch and release and get an Oculus Quest, play this game, and then put it back on eBay when I’m done.

I cant get into an expensive single user screen. What gets me is I used a VR system in 2002 called the imersa-desk that used shutter glasses, a 3D wand and ir head tracking to give you the same damn immersive experience with like a 50 inch projection screen. 10 other people could stand around it and watch with their own glasses. They used it in psychological studies of people’s fear of heights it was so convincing. You could see that you were looking at a screen so it didn’t create the puke problem.

Head sets are just a bad idea getting too much money thrown at it.


Just like when any console comes out, I wait for That Friend to splurge and camp at their place once they’ve beaten it.

my biggest problem with VR is that i don’t like playing video games with a full JanSport strapped to my head


my problem with VR as usual is that it is inaccessible to most people and incredibly finicky, even with things like the Quest.

that said i’m gonna wirelessly stream this to my quest using a sideloaded homebrew app and a special video card feature that only Radeon cards have, so obviously i’m all in


can’t wait to figure out the right dialogue tree options to successfully court Alyx all in eye-popping VR. This is going to be the best dating sim ever.

Deeply cynical about Valve making videogames anymore, especially Half-Life videogames. Diseased company.

This is probably exactly what it will be. Or they will make the Gordon/Alyx dynamic even creepier, and you as silent Gordon will be pointing out things for Alyx to do for you, and by the end of the game, she will give you another hug.

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Don’t you play as Alyx this time?

That Valve News Network picked up on some of this stuff https://youtu.be/VaXGA_wSWDA a while back.

yeah the whole game is actually just communicating with gordon via semaphore to get him to open jars and get things down from high shelves


Do you? All I have seen is that it is called Half-Life: Alyx, so if they have confirmed you play as Alyx, that would be something.

They haven’t confirmed it I think, but there are reliable rumors about it, including the fact that it takes place between the HL1 and HL2 timeframe (i.e. Valve specifically wants to keep Gordon out of the story). These rumors are from before Valve’s tweet so it’s not people making things up post facto. Another thing we know is:

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This is frustrating, because like, who even cares unless it picks up from the cliffhanger at the end of Ep2?