I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention this but there is currently a fan made effort to create episode 3 since valve just… isn’t gonna do it I guess?
idk how I feel about this, it seems neat I guess. half life source was cool, maybe this will be too? but I feel like this has a much greater chance of being shut down by valve
There’s also an Episode 3 project that’s being done in Source, but they’re using the latest branch and hacking some features in. It won’t look as impressive but probably also stands a larger chance of getting finished rather than remaking a game’s worth of assets and code.
My understanding is that the team fell apart because game production is impossible in the modern environment of Valve, but that doesn’t bode well for this VR project, either
The handshake demo they released for the Index VR was obviously running on fumes from the since-departed writers; I just don’t think Valve has the staff to make world-class games anymore
Well, this sounds kind of weird. But I guess I’ll keep an open mind on it and give Valve, and for that matter VR in general, a chance to prove with it that they’re not just a tax-collecting middleman or a dead fad, respectively.
there have been a ton of imo essential VR games in the past few years, though they’re mostly distributed across platform exclusivity, have no multiplayer population, and are generally also playable in inferior non-VR modes that hide some of their thunder
it’s honestly unique against any industry trend I can think of, it seems like this unwieldy expensive niche the likes of which haven’t been seen since the 90s except so much of the software is incredibly good