
By sketchpanic no less.

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Black Mesa is out real soon with the full Xen experience

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“Full Xen Experience” would be a good band name


Full Xen Consequences


I still hate how unforgiving the soldier AI in black mesa is

have i outed myself as a Xen defender yet

It’s a fine example of one of my favorite video game things, the level that’s conceptually and narratively really cool, and mechanically a stultifying chore


I like Xen

xen is cool but i wish it had more time in the oven back in 98 because now it feels over designed in 2019

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When the defense uses the phrase “stultifying chore”, sounds like a case unlikely to result in acquittal

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well i’m just a simple country lawyer


xen is good. the first several sections of it are great. it goes downhill when you’re in the weird factory area. I love the giant mama head crab tho.

Looking up the ‘gonarch’ mentioned here has given me deep insight into Gabe Newell as a person

  • The Gonarch was apparently born very simply, when someone at Valve asked, according to Gabe Newell, “Why don’t we put a giant testicle on a 20-foot-tall armored spider?” .[1] Therefore the name may be a portmanteau of the words “gonad” and “monarch”. A “gonad” is a scientific term for the reproductive organ of any living creature, the male mammalian gonad being the testicles. The “monarch” part would refer to the creature’s hierarchical status in headcrab society, or simply its “boss” status within the game.

  • According to Ted Backman, the Gonarch was a strongly contested design around Valve’s office during the development of Half-Life , considered by some to be too graphic, a thing Backman did not agree with. However Gabe Newell liked it, which greatly influenced its inclusion in the game.


i wonder if the Gonarch would have left the same impression on me if it didn’t glitch my game making it impossible to continue past it

this part is definitely making me reconsider things :thinking:


i was just looking into things Taito had done and


i cant forget this game because someone showed screenshots of it on sb1 when i was talking about how everything looks the same and i got lost all the time

they were making fun of me cuz the game has BIG DIRECTIONAL ARROWS but like
give me the arrows, give me those optional arrows

I chuckle each time I see this thread with a 2 next to it, for new posts.

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When this thread autocloses for being at max posts, I demand the continuation thread be called Full-Life 2: Half-Life Consequences