
I honestly think deus ex has a much cooler and more coherent aesthetic than any half life game, regardless of graphics tech or whatever.

deus ex is just awesome looking. dithering 4 life.

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oh, are you the fabled person that played Deus Ex in software?

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when I first played it that was my only option

that makes sense, it just scrambled my brain for a while because itā€™s not a look I associate with it, until I remembered that weird Unreal engine feature to fake texture smoothing in software mode.

Unreal had a lot of cool features, I loved detail textures in Deus Ex.

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I am pretty sure I have played both unreal and deus ex with hardware support tho and there was still big time dithering

I love how dithering looks I miss it.

I love the look of the early Unreal engine. Those pixel perfect GUIs :drooling_face:


thereā€™s very little I like more than the PSXā€™s diamond-pattern dithering, especially when it lays on an environment like Silent Hillā€™s fog and fall-drenched Americana


Have we talked in this thread about how absolutely radical Unreal is

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No but Iā€™m fuckin here for it

That flyby demo





What ifā€¦ A first person shooterā€¦ Had color??


Some of my best LAN party memories were the yearly attempt to see how many bots we could add in ut99 before the game crashed. It was a bittersweet day when our shitbox computers finally got powerful enough that the game was impossible to play due to instant telefragging on spawn


the original unreal is an underrated fps imo

so atmospheric

enormous often fairly nonlinear levels

cool weapons

why does no one talk about it


I donā€™t know but it completely eclipses q2 for me and I had so much more fun with ut99 than I ever did with q3. Maybe q3 was the tighter game or whatever but it didnā€™t have the redeemer or a cool windowed gui with themes and tracker music and mutators and assault mode and why would you use a fist when you could use an IMPACT HAMMER


Bouncing the shrapnel from the flak cannon is just so satisfying

Turning people into skeletons with the goo gun is too

The way you could change the pattern of your volley of rockets mmm

They got so much mileage out of having a secondary fire for all the weapons, I really miss that kind of thing


I never liked the feel of UT99, it was too chunky somehow and didnā€™t have the flourishes of quake, but I loved UT2004 when my favourite weapons were finally in an engine I liked


I remember seeing the flyby demo for Unreal and my friend telling me it was all one single level and I was really impressed by that.


The vehicles in ut2k4 were great

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yeah it actually felt like a credible response to halo

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credible response to Tribes 2 imo


I suppose it came full circle when they made Tribes Vengeance in the ut2k4 engine

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