getting the most obvious one out of the way but let’s do a cover of it for fun
trying to figure out if there are any throughlines with these (especially in the jrpg context) in the same way you’d hear airship music and go “that’s airship music, to me”
cave story is entirely set on a floating island (sorry for spoiling cave story for you), but this is the “floating island music.” i don’t think it’s really going to be similar to any of the others
it turns out a lot of videogames with floating islands are entirely set on the floating island, which hampers my research
All of gimmick takes place on a floating island, but the last stage is another little island that descends over the big island, thus fulfilling the traditional role of the floating island
sometimes floating islands are mechanical rather than mystical. ff6’s floating continent is somewhere in between because there is a harp. is this the true meaning of “magitech”…?
i feel like a vocal-oid pad stretched out over several bars or strings doing more or less the same thing are a big factor too, and like an arpeggio that lets you breathe a little … i don’t know enough about modes and keys to make any particular assertions but i bet those are a factor too