final fantasy punk

i wanna cosplay a viera one day and i’ve been waiting for someone to cosplay the ffii villain but my skills aren’t up to par yet!


i had this coffee cup for a while, but i think it broke? it was kind of small, anyway, but it was cool.


Jason cast Life 2!

Let me know if you wanna move this to KoP or somewhere else.

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kop is fine!

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so i bought ffvi and someone stole my package. luckily i still have my gba copy
i spent the wee hours of the morning remaking my steam profile and this is the best name i’ve ever had on anything. i’m posting this here because i bought that badge. i wish i could put it on my clothes but digital merchandise counts too! i still gave SE money!


Now I can’t stop thinking of FF-themed Flocka parodies

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if i knew how to do video editing i swear man

I think my backpack is relevant to your interests


yes, it is!
i love it!

WAY late to this thread, but i wanna say the gba version of v is the way to go.

i can’t believe i have zero final fantasy merch! i mean, aside from the one amano artbook i own (dawn). i had a final fantasy vii shirt from electronics boutique–a preorder bonus for the game… but i lost that ages ago, lol.

at least i have my dq slime plushhh.

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or the SNES version with the GBA translation patch.

that’d work, sure. it’s a small thing, but i really like seeing the character portraits during dialogue in the gba version. and the better font. it’s otherwise pretty close.

while i’m talking about this, 6 is trickier. my current favorite is this one:

I think the GBA FF dialogue font is so ugly. I prefer the chunky, SNES fonts.

still incredibly mad about all the mobile versions of Square games getting ported to PC and then to consoles so everybody is stuck with the most absolutely shit ass font choices I’ve ever seen in a JRPG. Oh you know what would make Chrono Trigger a better game? If everything was in fucking Arial, apparently!!!


i love this name but my friend informed me that waka flocka is a homophobe so i changed it



feeling a bit preyed on at this point


They’re still way behind this dude who had the whole cast up in 2013 (before Square C&D-ed him).

(The official prices are much lower, though.)


I am so bummed those are blind box figures.


Is it common to sell such a small collection that way? You’ve got like a 10% chance of duplicates on your first two figures.

Really hate the blindbox/bag thing a lot