Fading Brakelight Obscurity III - Green-Orange-Checkered Edizione

Aaaand of course, not to be outdone, the Greatest of all Britains throws their hat into the

… nevermind, just a prototype, nothing to see here :officersonic:

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RIP Ken Block

Also damn this is like when you unlock those crazy secret cars in R4


thing standing out most is the relatively boring shape of that Audi, if you think of Formula E or the hydrogen H2 prototype mk2, you can do better than this.
Paintjob tried hard to fix this, gonna give that to his Blockness :servbotsalute:

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and the award for ‘endearingly trying really hard’ goes tooooo …

Numero 17



started playing a little art of rally but completely thrown by the lack of tutorial… I’m not heavy into racing games so I dunno how to best get up to speed on this one


Go as slowly as you need to stay on course. Don’t worry about clean driving. Rally driving is usually sloppy as hell looking. Think about weight transfer of the car when going through corners. Steer with the gas and brake as well as the wheel. Slow down a bit for jumps.


Seconding weight transfer thing:

Imagine if someone would ram a pencil through a toycar from the roof to the floor, and you rotate it around that.
the front wheels are your interface to point in the direction you want to go, and now it depends how you get there, a front-wheel driven car pulls you there (like a horse pulls a wagon)
All-wheel drive is like a horse pulling plus bodybuilder/gym crew pushing at the back.
Rear-wheel drive is only the gym crew pushing.

Based on that simple mental model, you can start to anticipate what’s going on - you point the front in on direction, and based on who’s pulling or pushing where, you car rotates more or less around the pencil:

If you would have the pencil placed between the two wheels on the front/through the hood, the rest of the car rotates easily if pushed! If you have the pencil placed right at the back, when pushed it will take some force to rotate - that’s what you can play with, if you brake, the pencil slides a bit forward/backwards, but never from one end to the other:

Find out what you like best, and figure out how you get it to rotate (lifting gas pedal only, turn steering wheel, accelerate slowly — or try yanking the handbrake, brake, stabilize with steering wheel, accelerate)

Maybe start with something like the Peugeot 206 WRC or Lancia Delta

Where you would place the pencil inbetween the front and rear axle. Barely any car left before/after those axles!
Look at the Scooby now,

and you notice a bit more car hanging out on the front, while the rear axle is quite far back, and some trunk left behind the axle …

Drive those cars in any game if they are there, and just observe how they behave … and if you made it up to here in this post, you can already start to anticipate how a car might behave, just based on some simple assumptions, isn’t that cool?



A Copen will never not cheer me up.

ND Miata hurtbox


thanks I think I was just struggling with group 4 cuz all the cars are RWD and back heavy so very drift-y.

My usual cornering technique had been to release the gas and simply push into the turn (using the natural drift of the car) which worked pretty well with the zetto (240z) . but I realized with these more back heavy cars it’s better to brake, micro adjust, accelerate out of of the corner. playing some absolute drift (was mentioned in a previous thread) and really focusing on drifting close to the poles at speed helped something click for me about weight transfer.

also did a lot of time attack last night on finland (noormakku) with different cars, helped me feel out the differences. I still don’t love group 4, I seem to drive best with das uberwhip (1981 bmw m1) because it feels the least back heavy. group b on the other hand, I like most of the cars. seem to do the best with das hammer v1 (1981 audi quattro) and il gorilla 4s (1986 lancia delta s4). the lancia is a little nore slidey , the audi more corner-y. got some top 20-25% times with these two

(side note: the first rally car I remember ever really liking the look of, besides the wrx, was the lancia delta integrale evo. the sleek but boxy hatchback thing :ok_hand:t5:)


so what are the Certified Good racing games from the past 10 years (that will run on 2015 hardware?)

my tastes run towards time attack single player, hopefully some kind of campaign mode, realistic physics, ideally some minimal or no tuning, not super concerned with super good graphics. I love art of rally, haven’t given dirt rally 1 a fair shot yet, maybe street racing could be fun too idk

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Forza Horizon 4
Wipeout VR
Dirt 4
Snowrunner (technical inclusion)
Sprint Vector (technical inclusion)


Ridge Racer 2

certified, good, running on 2015 HW - phew, that’s asking a lot!

honestly, it really comes down to/depends on what input device(s) you are using — wheel or no wheel? If it’s pad only, then most hardcore sims are out already, because it just isn’t working properly w/ a pad.

assuming pad only then:

Forza Horizon 4 is a good arcade racer, the story mode is forgettable at best, obnoxious at worst, but the handling is tight enough that you can enjoy driving and drifting old FR beauties or a Lexus LFA and it doesn’t stress you out.

As far as proper Arcade racing goes — Hotshot Racing gives you lift-to-drift, 95% accelerator only driving/drifting, paired with manageable rubberbanding akin to 1995-99 arcade racing games.

one of the more recent NSFes supposedly was good, almost capturing Hot Pursuit greatness.

Driver San Fran offered nice driving in San Fran, plus Body-Swap shenanigans instead of GTA’ifying the transition from vehicle to vehicle.

Forza Motorsport 8 is most recent pad-supporting sim I am playing, not sure if it supports 2015 HW specs. Has many little quality of life improvements over FM7 that i would never look back, is missing lots of tracks though — atm, each month a 10gb download for a new track (so far “for free”, idk how long it stays that way)

Ridge Racer 4 on PSN is upscaled mess (videos have still a 320×240i look).

… the lego2K racer sounded nice, not sure about hardware reccs though.

Secret Game of the Decade Racers/contenders since a decade plus:

Sonic & Allstars Transformed — peak SEGA, peak Kart racer.
Split/Second — what if Michael Bay was allowed to direct an Arcade Racer?


Unfortunately for PC this has a busted driver for most modern (released in the past 10 years) graphics cards that renders water wrong, and then crashes the game.


just remembered where my username comes from


yeah pad only for now. I’ll look into forza horizon 4 thx, just looking to scratch an itch basically

art of rally kind of shocked me how good it is

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Granturismo 4 (emulated(lol))

You should try setting a car up to have a little under steer and dragging the brake lightly through the corner (trail braking) to get the nose down and grip up the front. A car that tends towards understeer will be more stable at the cost of steering response.

You can do the opposite and squat rear wheel drive cars without accelerating by pressing the throttle and braking at the same time (left foot braking). This grips up the rear and induces under-steer. This is useful if the car starts to rotate more than youd like. You can arrest the rotation entirely in a lot of cases and you can pick your angle with some practice. This has the secondary effect of spooling a turbo for maximum launch when you get off the brake.

(as a gimmick) Id often setup AWD cars to very little or no camber, very soft front suspension and very stiff rear suspension. This results in a car the brakes harder, later and rotates under braking. You then use the AWD to create stability once you’ve hit the angle you want and then you can stand on the accelerator while 4 wheel sliding through the corner. In this situation you can use the thrust from all 4 wheels to pull the car into the inside, effectively exceeding the maximum cornering speed allowed by your mechanical grip. The down side is if you are knocked out of your groove you WILL crash and the tires dont last but its very exciting, especially with high horespower cars.


Wow, wasn’t aware of this!

For whatever reason, with my VEGA64, never had an issue w/ that, so i assumed that this would be a carte blanche deal for all others — as it turns out, guess i WAS lucky or the gods acknowledged that for this one person here, A Wonder Shall Come To Pass and gave me the drivers that lets me worship SEGA for the AGES to come :servbotsalute:

What kind of weirdo (me) does this game appeal to?