Fading Brakelight Obscurity II - Championship Edition (Part 1)

Ah yes. The first time I played GT was at a high school party. I knew nothing about it. I was like yeah I’m good at racing games so I went into arcade mode and grabbed a random car and immediately went straight off the track into a wall in the first turn!

I remember thinking “man, this game is bullshit” then buying it a few days later.


I love what I’ve played of GT1 but the licenses are absolutely brutal, and I’ve spent more time on a single license test than I have spent on all licenses combined in most GT games

I still haven’t gotten past that license test. I think it’s an A license test. That’s fucked up

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I got the A license over the weekend. Getting bronze isn’t too bad if you are persistent. Anything beyond bronze in most tests is ridiculously difficult. Bronze is all you need for the license. You should give it another try. You might surprise yourself!

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I can’t find the post now, but I think @DaleNixon wrote something recently about even the most basic racing wheel setups being a joy to play.

This prompted me to look into the Hori Mario Kart wheels for my beloved Grid Autosport on Switch. Then I discovered the deluxe version of the wheel is nearly identical to Hori’s Racing Wheel Apex for PS4.

Unlike the Mario Kart wheels, reviews for the PS4 wheel say it has rumble. And some posts I read say that rumble works on Switch when connected through an adapter.* So I ordered the PS4 wheel with a Mayflash Magic NS adapter, and they arrived yesterday.

These Hori wheels are great for working around the Switch’s lack of analogue triggers:

  1. You can assign the gas peddle to up on the dpad.
  2. You can assign the brake peddle to down on the dpad.
  3. You can set the dpad to function as the right thumbstick.

Now you have analogue acceleration in any game that lets you map acceleration to the right thumbstick!

Well I’m still coming to grips with playing Grid this way (I don’t drive in real life), but this set up is amazing for Virtua Racing! I never felt comfortable with either of the two steering modes on a controller, but playing with a wheel is absolutely wonderful.

* The wheel does not rumble.

Well the wheel doesn’t rumble when playing on Switch, nor is there any mention of rumble on the box or in the instructions. Oh well, this wheel costs the same the Mario Kart one. And I can stomach the extra cost of the Mayflash more than I can stomach the effort of sending everything back and ordering the Mario Kart one on it’s own.


Sounds like a pretty slick setup! Glad to hear it’s working for you!

There was some YouTube video I saw years ago where someone had a cheapo Dreamcast steering wheel and they tried to play LeMans 24 hours with it.

The experience wasn’t super great mostly because there was no good way to mount the wheel.

They ended up duct taping it to a cheap TV tray for laughs, and, oops, it ended up being incredibly good that way.


the (now) old 208 GTi is a beautiful car, the new 208 has some old 205 styling cues going for it, so i am somewhat inbetween both generations… probably what you call a lost Generation, heh :smirk:.

Agree w/ you, the current (pre facelift) clio is an altogether nice package, not sure if they even need a hot version, because it looks like they got the proportions right already with the base model.
The facelift though, hmmm, not sure… too much Megane, i fear.

In any case, hardly seeing them these days, but the Renault Wind was looking like a happier car, that’s for sure!


Look at that cutie!


And they are… well, have been, last time when i looked, quite affordable (or, tbh, too affordable to be true, where you start to get a bit cautious… . there’s no free lunch, after all).

They even have a Gordini version!

and we all know that those two white stripes make each Renault go at least 20kph faster, like the twingo

… ah, too many nice and fancy cars out there, and not enough love for them (why, if people are dumb enough to buy german 2.5t e-panzers :tronyell: )


At least the Hori wheel has a clamp!

I play games at my weird small-apartment, chronic-pain-management workstation: a monitor on top of a dresser, a tall ikea desk chair, a wedge seat cushion, a padded lap desk, and a tall industrial foot rest.

Here’s how I adapted all that for racing:

The foot rest is adjustable. Yet last night I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find a comfortable position for the pedals, as they were triggering some pain in my legs and lower back. So tonight I tried turning the seat wedge around to mimic the angle of a car seat, and that was very comfortable.

The peddles sometimes slip even though the foot rest has a really grippy surface. I might try fastening them together with cam buckle straps.

The wheel’s clamped to the lap desk, which is wedged between two open drawers. This works fairly well, but I’d rather mount it to something more stable. Maybe a music or projector stand?


Figuring out good ergo solutions for racing setups by kludging together whatever you have around rules! I’ve had a few “temporary” setups like that in the past that ended up lasting years.

Also, image :smirk_cat:


Oh that’s Bobby. I didn’t notice him there!


Big flex! I got the best license in GT1 tonight! It’s bullshit. They take away the course map and put you in a Dodge Viper or a TVR of some sort.

But that license let me enter the fourth race in the GT league. And I used a gift car I won in another race. The Dodge ConceptCar. I knew I was in for a treat when I poled this far ahead in the first qualifier:

Something seemed strange about this gift car. I don’t remember it being very notable from playing this game years ago. The specs are impressive, but not world beating:

Oh wait, that’s the “not for sale” version at the dodge dealership. The one I was gifted has these specs:

Holy shit! That’s a ridiculous power to weight ratio! That’s terrifying! And it explains why I was going through most turns in fourth gear like this:

I got a credit roll when I beat the last GT League race, but there are some endurance races left to complete! I got a crappy screenshot of the credits:


that Sounds as useless a token as is the final Challenge to clear in ENTHUSIAs license… whatever it was called mode:
Driving around Löwenseering in the Team Goh Audi R8 P900 while having to pass a certain number of gates with either a minimum speed, or greater than X speed restrictions, and you were allowed only a few not-perfect ones … that took me a while with the Dualshock back then.

Still, recently watched the replay of that moment and thought Youth is wasted on the young, but impressive what you can do if you want to achieve it.

And how long savestates survive on those memory cards.


and thats a power-to-weight ratio for a Dodge, yes… quite interesting to see how that pre-dated the second viper design a lot, esp. around the back and side-skirts!

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First endurance race of three taken care of. The ConceptCar is basically cheating. You can brake so late it’s ridiculous!


I’ll probably make my own thread to chronicle my GT2 playthrough so I’m not shitting up this thread.


I’d be ok with you shitting up this thread.


same here, like a traffic jam in SanFran, it belongs together, and cannot be torn apart.


shit this thread up, my dude. that is what it is for. bring us that hot GT2 coverage that we’ve all been craving.


I still have nightmares about the One Make Vitz race. The hardest race in any GT!