I played this again last night but my score was worse than my initial attempt. I kept dying what seemed like randomly until I noticed the obvious, that the blue arrow (which I was totally ignoring) was getting hit.

I pressed other keys until I found a way to move the second arrow, but I could only get it to move in one direction (up). So I gave up on that and resumed moving only the one that’s mapped to the cursor keys.

What I’ve found with the treasure chests is that I have to box them in two or three times before it registers, and there may be a hidden time limit.

Hold on, you’re telling me that the highest score in this thread is from someone who’s been libbling without rabbling? I now feel even more determined to climb up to the top.


For what it’s worth, yes. I got my best score without moving the other arrow even once.


I’m astounded and invigorated.

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Yes, Yes! Hahahahaha

A few adjustments to old ideas
  • I’m now fairly positive that chests only open if you make a small, square box around them rather than a screen-wide enclosure.

  • After the first season, chests are still around, you just don’t know where they’ll be. You’re encouraged to make small boxes around the field, but be careful because…

  • The demon bat isn’t timer based, but instead has a chance of appearing when you make small boxes. I think he can be killed but I’m not sure how…

  • Seeds help extend your timer, and if your timer counts down, you start to be hunted by very smart enemies.

  • I got this score because one of the chests had a diamond in it that gave me 50,000 points. I’m not sure if chests’ contents are completely random but that seems like the main scoring mechanism.


me, looking at the top of the screen: what did you just call me


You can buy a Libble Rabble shirt now



It’s so perfect in lemon.

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The green is dope as hell. Wish they had some in stock!



They just released this game for PS4 and Switch. I think the price is a little high for just an emulated ROM, though.



It may be worth it for access to an online leaderboard. Granted, I don’t know whether there are exploits that ruin score chasing or not.