Whining about how normie the picks are is the most normie thing you can do, fuckin’ hell, if you cared so much you coulda done ctrl +F “Your Favorite Game” in The Thread Made For Nomination Talk and rocked the vote a bit harder. Some folks in here are really proving how important Everybody Votes truly is.
Or you could just, like, not care cuz lists are dumb as hell.
But seriously, there is a thread for nomination talk, there is a thread for discussing the matchups, maybe we can like…actually use these threads for their intended purposes. This isn’t the Axe!! Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 and Espgaluda should have been on this list! I only nominated for one of those! Who cares!! Go ahead and probate me for backseat modding! I don’t care! I’m already fired!!