
I’ve got two of these and they’re very solid

I don’t know of a sit/stand desk cheaper but there are probably options on Amazon from Chinese OEMs.

The IKEA Bekant is decent as well, but like twice the price because it’s a “desk.”

I used to have a Fully Jarvis (fancy) that I gave to my mom and it was nice but the motor was pointlessly slow.


Should be an inch or two below your elbows


I have an update: Ikea stole my idea and started selling an updated sku of the JÄRVFJÄLLET with a modified version of the adjustable arms from Rudie’s gamer chair, but tough shit they don’t sell them separately like the old arms.


One day I won’t have to make do with my wife’s shitty childhood bedroom desk. One day.

If space is the issue that’s one thing but there’s always the IKEA tabletop plus adjustable legs chef’s special for cost.

If I weren’t in an apartment I’d love a little fold-out stationary zone

Yeah sadly space is at a premium in our place, and the plan is to hopefully not be here for more than another year so I don’t want to start investing in furniture to fit here when I’ll hopefully have roomier digs in my future

Is this the thread where I ask for chair recommendations

I am very big and strong and need a chair that can support my mighty body.

I don’t think any of these used fancy office chairs will be able to do that? Plus they’re probably beyond my budget.

I could probably afford a “gamer chair” but they’re ugly and I suspect one would break on me within months. But…I am at a point where I might just have to drop money on absolutely anything regardless of durability cuz the chair I got now is fucking killing me

Anyway anyone got recs for a large lad chair that’s $200 or so

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Most of them are rated for several hundred pounds and I know some large people who’ve used them. The Aeron for one also comes in a large seat size. The key is the frame underneath that attaches to the pneumatic cylinder — how sturdy, the support structure, etc. Cheap office chairs are just a plate screwed into the bottom of the seat

You are right that the used market for them sucks now

I don’t know of a particular $200 chair to recommend, sorry. Used and plain Steelcase Criterions are the cheapest around me, $50 and a drive to the liquidator


Ooh with tech crashing and offices downsizing I wonder if it’s another golden age of used office furniture


Found my chair. Not gonna read reviews or do a “test sitting” or even learn what brand it is. Just buying this thing cuz that dude rocks and I trust any product with a stock photo that powerful attached to it.


Point me at a good wired vertical mouse please.

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I just tried two left-handed vertical mice and some muscle behind my shoulder blade immediately and persistently objected to both of them. Wrist was still getting annoyed, too. And they just seemed hard to use and cumbersome to drag around; my Photoshop touch-up work slowed to a crawl–and this is after I’d surprised myself by having no trouble switching to using a regular mouse left-handed for the first time in my life (and then overdid it… >_<; also had my chair at the wrong dang height). Now unconvinced that vertical mice work. I suppose it’s possibly a bit harder to pressure that soft vulnerable underside of the wrist with 'em, but you can still get messed up in other ways. Eh well didn’t work for me, anyway, drat it. Was probably doing it wrong somehow. (The cheap one was a Perixx, the expensive one was an Evoluent.)


I’ve been using the wired 3M vertical mouse for about 15 years now

With the large base I can rest the side of my hand on, the grip is more relaxed than any other vertical mouse I tried. It’s not very popular because it’s expensive and there’s no mousewheel – I’ve compensated for the latter by learning to use middle-click hold scrolling in web browsers and remapping scrolllock/printscreen to mousewheel up/down.


I prefer to just really loosely sideways grip a regular mouse


There’s a dedicated ergonomics thread that could use more good stuff like these mice photos in it : )


Good point. Took the liberty of changing the title to mortify me less

I’ve used the Anker vertical mouse (probably the only wired one I’d try) and the MX Vertical. The MX Vertical is way too complex and expensive for how basic it is.

In general: vertical mice need lower sensitivity/dpi and a larger mousing area to work well. You also need to make sure your arm can comfortably rest on your desk with your shoulders relaxed. Then keep as much movement in the elbow as possible. If you don’t have the desk space you might look into an external trackpad or trackball.

If you want a general purpose mouse with a slant, I still like the Razer Pro Click’s shape (the one designed with Humanscale, not the mini) and it has the peculiar feature of working completely wired in addition to bluetooth and an optional 2.4ghz dongle. It’s like an MX Master with a more aggressive slant, optical sensor, 1000hz polling, and nice plastics instead of silicone. Main caveat is a weird recessed micro-USB port but that is actually preferable if it’s wired.

Comparison of the Razer and an MX Master 2S. Note the incline and scalloped mouse 1/2.

Hard to beat a $30 Anker model in any event.


look at the weight reduction felix is rocking here. that’s how you know he’s cracked (complimentary)


Aldi is selling a vertical mouse right now gang. Forget if it’s wired or not tho


i need the aldi mouse


You gotta go quick, in my aldi it’s moved from the “weekly flyer home goods” aisle to the “miscellaneous aldi finds which includes random special food” aisle which means it’s on the way out

I love aldi