Downstream Commentary

Do we have a Streaming Thread yet? We should have a generic streaming thread where people can say Hey I’m streaming now.

Here’s my channel.

Probably going to Stream in a bit, leaving comments on if anyone wants to drop in. Not sure what I’ll be playing. Maybe F4 if anyone wants to see my town/build.

Hmm, I’ve been thinking of getting back into streaming Unlimited SaGa. Never did beat the final boss with Laura.

My twitch (FUTURE VIPER: new twitch here) is pretty active lately since there’s a tourney on over at shmupsfarm. My hitbox is also around, but HB don’t have an Australian server AFAIK, so eh.

Oooooooh. That’s why I have trouble even accessing archived broadcasts there.

i stream random casual games at

I stream when planets align at

I might be encouraged to stream more if I had more followers :sailboat: although there’s also the issue of time zones (I’m in CET)

But yeah. I tend to just stream silently which I understand doesn’t have much value, but I have a mic and a webcam now so I may do the whole streamer thing from time to time if enough people were interested

oh man I didn’t even realize this was a stream thread.

I don’t stream much lately, but enjoy my archives of random games and Doom:

I don’t even know if any of y’all will watch this, but streaming some Cactus until I have to pass out

over at the twitch

I’m sorry I didn’t get on the mic and chat with dudes but someone told me to turn on auto-restart and it was all downhill from there

thanks for suffering me

oh hey I was just wondering if there was a thread for this!

I used to stream pretty regularly until about a year ago, when social anxiety finally caught up to me. I still think about streaming and hopefully can do so again sometime soon, since it was good for getting me to sit down and play through games I otherwise put off. I’ll probably cut out any webcam stuff in the future, hopefully that will help with the anxiety. Knowing people are looking directly at my stupid face undoes the comfort of anonymity.

Been thinking of starting this streaming thing as a way to stave off some boredom and maybe get some what social.

Here’s the channel I made for streaming

Thinking about going through some games that became real important to me. I think I might start streaming Brave Fencer Musashi.

I’m giving it a shot now.

bumping this old ass thread because i’m doing a hate stream of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow