Kickmaster (NES)
Low G Man (NES)
Lunar Pool (NES)
Lupin Sansei: Pandora no Isan (Famicom)
M.U.L.E. (NES)
The Magic Candle (Famicom)
The Magic of Scheherazade (NES)
Mahjong G-Men: Nichibutsu Mahjong III (Famicom)
Marusa no Onna (Famicom)
Masuzoe Youichi: Asa Made Famicom (Famicom)
The Mutant Virus: Crisis in a Computer World (NES)
S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Attack Team (NES)
Sekiryuou (Famicom)
8 Eyes (NES)
Fist of the North Star (NES)
“80’s action guys holding their guns in a ready position but also just firing randomly off to the side” ought to be a galaxy oddity topic
“The best approximation of an amazing hip shot you can muster while also searing off your backside and ankles with an unlikely jetpack that should really be pitching you head over heals into the dirt, not to mention tearing your back off and flying/skidding away, or just exploding”
Samurai-Ghost (TG16)
Thanks @MintyJuffowup for introducing me to the game:
Snake Roy (Mega Duck)
Vicky (Amiga)
I suddenly want some chewing gum and a ticket to the ol’ ball game. ^) ^
Eric and the Floaters sounds like a Guided by Voices album.