i don’t read enough
D-Suzuki (Ikaruga / Sin & Punishment artist) did some of the cover art for the Japanese editions of Song of Fire & Ice books
The coolest book I own:
I like coming across john gall covers at the second hand bookshop. he is very much my cup of tea
this is also my amazon wishlist
Thanks @dementia for reminding me of this thread ^_+^
(from the stacks of a library at the local state U)
Vincent Di Fate cover
– Lin Carter Lot of 3 Paperback Novels Vintage Science Fiction Dragonrouge Adult | eBay
Cover illustrations by Ed Emshwiller (The Golden People) and Jack Gaughan (Exile from Xanadu)
(Published in the Ace Double series’ tête-bêche format: the two texts are bound together in one volume, back-to-back and rotated 180 degrees from each other)
Image source: etsy.com
Weird Fiction - Penguin Books Australia
I guess I’ll get this to have The Call of Cthulhu in my collection again after I gave my HP Lovecraft book to someone (I have no intention of seeing again) and they never gave it back.
Ooh speaking of Lovecraft, I just stumbled across this cover by a young Lovecraft the other day ^ _^
to continue with the Weird Fiction theme:
also, have this version of The Time Machine with the Traveler foregoing the hovercraft/sleigh design in favor of electrocuting himself until it’s The Future:
edit: and this because why not
Cover illustration by Carl Cassler
Edition info: https://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?117471
Image source: Snow White And The Giants - J. T. McIntosh