don't make the same mistake as me (50+ hour thumbs down reviews)

i have over 1000 hours in tactical nexus. it’s actually really good and insanely in depth but my warning is because i don’t think it’s good to let any game take 1000 hours of your life

my relationship to tactical nexus is that most other things i could have done with that time past hour 200 or so would’ve been better spent on most anything else id have wanted to do, but the nexus is the easiest thing to just let distract me from whatever is feeling difficult atm


Played Melee for at least 1000 hours, probably more. Ultimately what I got from it was a semipermanent hand injury in both arms. I think the game is great but it is partially responsible for me becoming technically disabled. Recommended

Overwatch was absolutely miserable to play especially in ranked but I did play for about 500 hours iirc. It was extremely satisfying to quit and Blizzard’s wild rebalancing helped me quit. Haven’t had quite such a love-hate relationship with a game since.

I played an absurd amount of Resistance: Fall of Man online. It was the only PS3 game I had for a long time and I played so much of it that I was scouted by a clan online. It’s a very odd feeling when you’re extremely good at a game people only play out of scarcity. I will probably never revisit this game and can’t even play online anyway. I don’t consider it a waste of time in the same way I do Overwatch though.


fucking clicker heroes on PS4 FULL SCREEN CLICKER HEROES JUST ON FOR HOURS WHILE I WALLOWED IN DRUNK DEPRESSION. closing youtube every 10 minutes to buy some more shit to make my numbers bigger next reset. not using a different playstation account so i could always keep clicker heroes going. IT BARELY HAS ANYTHING GOING ON FOR AN IDLE GAME. ARRRRGH


dont regret a second of ffxiv though, i sleep with it on to boost my number


nevermind get me out of here


See I don’t think there are any games I played for 50+ hours that I hated per se, but there are definitely games that I enjoyed at first that went way too long and sort of spoiled the experience. I feel this way in particular often about all those “oh hey, here is the credits roll but there is a whole extra act beyond this and wink-wink there sure is cool/possibly important stuff in there somewhere”. MGS V went from the most I enjoyed the series in a while to me swearing off anything MGS for the rest of my life. I enjoyed the Witness a good deal but I got to the initial ending by skipping all the stuff that didn’t work for me, which means to get to the sorta hidden but obviously there actual ending stuff I had to do all of those things in a row to get to something fairly underwhelming.


I think I retroactively feel this way clearing all the routes in Nier. Was that 50+ hours? I dunno, but it was probably more time than I wanted to spend with it. I barely remember any of the extra story stuff now and I don’t even know if I was that into it at the time.

It’s been enough to put me off of playing the sequel.


i too wouldn’t recommend destiny 2 after uhhhemhemhm 4000 hours and probably hundreds of bucks
won’t stop playing it 'til they stop making new content for it and fundamentally still agree with the kinaesthetics but these are my diseases


I’ve been trying to think of an answer to this question for a few days, and I think I’m just pretty good at stopping playing games that I’m not really enjoying. Like, I’m pretty sure I dropped Twilight Princess within 5 hours, and Skyward Sword within 2 hours. Maybe Bethesda or live service games might have worked their progression hooks into my brain if I had tried them, but I have my doubts.

The game I’ve put the most time into that I emphatically would not recommend to any other human being is probably Super Metroid Redesign, which between the original 2006 release and the 2015 update I’ve completed maybe 4-5 times (and I still feel it beckoning me to try it at least once more). Going by a conservative estimate, that’s like maybe 60-70 hours of my life spent on a romhack developed by a sadist lacking self awareness.


I’ve played all 4 routes of Nier at least 4 times each and I still love it


i should have just started this thread iunno why i punted it thanks cania

i LOVED shin megami tensei 4 up until i made the mistake of doing the neutral ending which SUCKS. you have to complete like every fucking sidequest in the game!! which means running back and forth over the world map that’s impossible to parse unless you’ve lived in Tokyo for at least 1/2 your life, where your airship can only land on specific nodes and you just have to backtrack a lot. and then the law/chaos bosses are both garish & shitty, and the ending is weirdly anticlimactic in a bad way idk it was a huge letdown after a game i had enjoyed for many many REAL WORLD UNRECLAIMABLE hours until that point

At least i’ll always have the soundtrack that still slaps ass


I rarely spend as much time as I’d like with games I actually enjoy, so I’m pretty good at dropping games that aren’t grabbing me.


Kingdom (5 hours) and Kingdom: New Lands (15 hours)


Not an insane amount of time, but I really wanted to like these games. I like how they look. I like the core mechanical and structural ideas. They’re very nearly a game that I myself would have loved to have made.

But something about it just doesn’t work for me, not matter how much I tried to figure out the right way to play it or whatever. It’s not even that it’s hard, it’s just not that fun or intersting to play. I don’t know if it’s because the “gameplay loop” and/or the good route(s) of progression are too rigid or what, but I just can’t actually enjoy my time with them. I did a bunch of runs, late into the night, trying to figure out how to enjoy them, but they just never clicked.

There’s a 2018 sequel, though, and I’m still sometimes tempted to pick it up lolol. See if they got it right this time.

A relevant thing is that I used to love strategy games and now typically find them impossible and unenjoyable time sinks and have regreted every time I’ve played one in the last decade.

Persona 5 (110 hours or so) and Horizon: Zero Dawn (normal clear time for one of these, 25-40 hours or some shit)

I enjoyed Persona 5 at first, and Persona 3 remains one of my faovrite games of all time, but the over-optimization of the “U.X.” and the boneheaded way it’s written lost me and it was a hate-play by the end. I wrote like a billion words on it in the Persona 5 thread like 4 years ago if you care to know more.

Horizon Zero Dawn was also a hate-play by the end, and I only finished it because I was near the end and wanted tohave a more or less “complete” picture of the game if anyone wanted to tell me it was actually good and I just needed to get to Y part in the story. It has some fun combat. But I found the inanity, idiocy, and hypocrisy/dissonance of the game’s story unbearable. The crafting mechanisms suck. The quests are generally terrible. Aloy’s ultimately the most boring sort of action hero. This is the first real “AAA open-world game” I ever actually played and it may be the last.


Any final fantasy game tbh

Fuckin’ rat tail bullshit.


remember your patch, threadmaker


I really don’t like modern yugioh but keep playing Master Duel because I know I’d get addicted if I switched to a good CCG

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just destiny 2 really, though i’m glad i got out for good when black armory came out


There are no games I felt I needed to keep playing after seeing the credits roll. Sometimes I try to do some of the “bonus content”, but then I’d rather just play some other game of the other hundreds of games I still need to check out.

Don’t know if this lack of commitment is a blessing or a curse, I bet I miss out sometimes.


YU-NO… the PC98 time loop VN… the player character is just too awful… plus it has a bunch of hunt-the-pixel puzzles in the point-and-click segments. The smug wisecracking nurse was fun tho



Counterstrike 2


i think i’ve found the opposite person:

they have over 10,000 reviews and as far as i can tell they’re all negative


hater is that you??


Probably Zelda Tiers of the Kingdom. I was plenty into it, but there is just too much and I found myself using fast travel way more than I bid in Breath of the Wild, just because the slow travel was a fucking chore, also way to quickly it got to silver enemies, too many recolor enemies and too much damage sponge later in the game. While in BotW, eventually I felt powerful when I could take on the guardians, in ToTK when I got powerful enough to deal with gloom hands I just didn’t want to deal with the slog of another phantom ganon fight afterwards. I didn’t like waiting for them to disappear either. There was no case that the hands spawning wasn’t just a horrible time sink unless you teleport away.