I rarely spend as much time as I’d like with games I actually enjoy, so I’m pretty good at dropping games that aren’t grabbing me.
Kingdom (5 hours) and Kingdom: New Lands (15 hours)
Not an insane amount of time, but I really wanted to like these games. I like how they look. I like the core mechanical and structural ideas. They’re very nearly a game that I myself would have loved to have made.
But something about it just doesn’t work for me, not matter how much I tried to figure out the right way to play it or whatever. It’s not even that it’s hard, it’s just not that fun or intersting to play. I don’t know if it’s because the “gameplay loop” and/or the good route(s) of progression are too rigid or what, but I just can’t actually enjoy my time with them. I did a bunch of runs, late into the night, trying to figure out how to enjoy them, but they just never clicked.
There’s a 2018 sequel, though, and I’m still sometimes tempted to pick it up lolol. See if they got it right this time.
A relevant thing is that I used to love strategy games and now typically find them impossible and unenjoyable time sinks and have regreted every time I’ve played one in the last decade.
Persona 5 (110 hours or so) and Horizon: Zero Dawn (normal clear time for one of these, 25-40 hours or some shit)
I enjoyed Persona 5 at first, and Persona 3 remains one of my faovrite games of all time, but the over-optimization of the “U.X.” and the boneheaded way it’s written lost me and it was a hate-play by the end. I wrote like a billion words on it in the Persona 5 thread like 4 years ago if you care to know more.
Horizon Zero Dawn was also a hate-play by the end, and I only finished it because I was near the end and wanted tohave a more or less “complete” picture of the game if anyone wanted to tell me it was actually good and I just needed to get to Y part in the story. It has some fun combat. But I found the inanity, idiocy, and hypocrisy/dissonance of the game’s story unbearable. The crafting mechanisms suck. The quests are generally terrible. Aloy’s ultimately the most boring sort of action hero. This is the first real “AAA open-world game” I ever actually played and it may be the last.