do any of youse use letterboxd

i use both letterboxd and gg, which is the letterboxd of games u desire

on letterboxd i am request_healing

on gg i am requesthealing


that does look to be exactly what I want! thanks for sharing, I’ll make an account soon.

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hmmm i think i will check out this gg site

i thought i posted mine in here but i might have accidentally deleted it so psst here

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i don’t know if anybody here knows eli hayes, but he has passed

i spoke with him in comments and in his movie streams on a number of occasions

he was incredibly kind and gentle


edit: previously i mentioned self-infliction having been the cause, as many were lead to believe. it was well known that he struggled with depression. however, his roommate has said elsewhere that this is not the case. i feel like a creep even talking about it like it, but i think i should clarify.

still. i’m very sad to see him go. he was lovely.

i started getting into seriously watching films again towards the end of last year so i made a letterboxd. here it is:

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showgirls being one of your favorite movies is a very strong endorsement of your profile


it’s a phenomenal movie!! i will never understand why so many people consider it a bad movie.

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i think a lot of people think it’s tasteless and stupid because it’s over the top and horny and there’s extremely grotesque sexual violence in it but it turns out that’s just how repulsive the entertainment industry is lol, god forbid we have to acknowledge that our culture is built on exploitation and violence. showgirls is fucking awesome. even my asshole dad thinks it rules.


The first time I saw Showgirls I was like, 8 or 9, and it was sitting in the hallway of my friend’s house while his dad was watching it on VHS while his wife was at work. I knew Kyle MacLachlan as Zack Carey long before I knew him as Dale Cooper.

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i think there’s an interesting parallel with where Dale Cooper ends up at the end of Twin Peaks Season 3 to what Zack Carey ends up being in Showgirls. i’ll just leave this thought there.

showgirls is cool because it takes place in the same sleaze dimension as hardcore

ill try to keep up with this more


They are doing a year in review thing. It’s very simple which is nice. Here’s mine

Idek who that actor is lol. I recognise him from 35 shots of rum and that’s it

edit i looked him up and yeah i just watched lots of denis and assayas films


I did a bad job at logging movies this year.


i should use this more but here:


Didn’t even occur to me to log when I watched movies til recently. Gonna do it right (like everything else) in 2021:

if you told me that every one of your 32 logged films started Bill Murray and were directed by Jim Jarmusch, i would believe you



I think going to a midnight screen of Royal Tennenbaums back in January (my friend had never seen it!) is the only reason that like John Lurie or Tom Waits wasn’t the top actor.

I watched a ton of silent stuff and film noir-y stuff that a local revival house was streaming on Facebook, and I’d probably look really cool if I remembered to add all of that.

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yeah likewise if i’d had a letterboxd during my friend’s isolation film festival last year i would’ve been king shit of film mountain

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