Dev resource linkbomb thread

So if you’re like me, you sometimes go out researching a given subject and come back with a dozen links to development related stuff, some informative, some not.

Here’s the deal: I’d like y’all to link the more interesting/helpful articles of the bunch, and maybe throw a short description so that people can search the thread for anything of relevance! Don’t care too much if it’s not super high quality information, people can piece it together easily enough.

Like, I just looked up information on Gaussian blur shaders. Is this of value to anyone? Who knows, let’s go!

Just share anything of interest!

i don’t know if this has a place in this thread but i like this game design retrospective for invisible inc

for technical stuff i also like dijkstra maps for ai, described here

oh god please no

pirated adobe premiere is actually one of the few remaining programs tethering me to a windows installation. only stallman would be willing to work on a serious (50+ hour) video project with open source software.

i just need that and ASIO support that isn’t completely deprecated/insane and i can finally delete that partition and alienate all my friends~

Superpowers just got free & open source, I’ll give it a try.

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Please do and report back, thanks. Superpowers + Crocotile3D + has gotta be good for gamedev…

I’m reading this as “nobody on the team wants to write or maintain these docs”.

Crocotile looks weird to me, where are the crusty Quake OBJ editors

further reports in the How much easier is game development likely to get? thread