i got brown noted by the destiny loading screen when i had e coli


ye I will be grinding that banana later if I don’t get bored and go back to gambit

holy shit Iron Banner is bad in Year 2

  • Matchmaking has put me up against a full or 5/6 of a PVP clan every single game so far, aside from one where I was the filler (naturally I won that one)
  • More than half the games I’ve played tonight have ended due to mercy rule, people leave very early when the opposing team are snowballing and make you more likely to match into games that will end in mercy rule 45 seconds after you join
  • Loot drops in IB games themselves have a horrible drop rate now, and matches (wins and losses) don’t drop IB rep tokens anymore
  • The main way of gaining gear and IB tokens is completing IB bounties, which reward legendary gear for the easy ones, and powerful gear for the two harder ones

It’s just not worth the grind probably

edit: for comparison, if you play 3 strikes in the Y2 strike playlist with a solar subclass, you’re very likely to leave with 2 powerful gear drops, versus grinding PVP all week to get two drops

Man ib was so good in rise of iron, how could they have screwed that up

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I’m glad y’all are having fun playing again. I’m not really tempted to go back in because I still have Monster Hunter World and DQXI to play and those are going to gobble up hundreds of hours more. Probably going to get into the PC versions of the Yakuza games next.

I do wish I could play some casual D2 every now and then with some folks but that’s just not happening because the sb player base is not there and because as a non-paying customer you’re just locked out completely from the fun.

I think I’d only ever get into a Destiny-like again if it was free to play like Warframe or the DLC was otherwise guaranteed free. It’s just not worth it for me to sink over a hundred bucks into a single game just to keep up with the Joneses

I imagine it’s a combination of Bungie wanting to slow down the climb to max power (which I think would be fine were it applied to power levels higher than the raid’s recommended power) and wanting to avoid what happened in S1-3 where streamers could get an entire season’s pool of gear in a day or two and have no incentive to keep playing IB at all until next season

IMO adding random rolls was a sufficient fix to the incentive problem because the likelihood of a better roll being out there for you to obtain is fairly high. I would even be down with them restricting each IB to a limited subset of items like they did in D1, but since each season only has 3 Its, it would be rather punishing if you only had one chance to get those items at all…

i’ve never been into how much of an influence streamers have over the design of this thing when they’re such an enormous edge case


I love that they’re writing non-hostile aliens again (for the first time?) and they’re contemptuous of Guardians as ignorant, greedy, and violent.

(This Eliksni is the friendly Fallen captain from the Rat King quest, apparently now going somewhere with a fire team.)

There will be another free trial of Gambit over the weekend so if you enjoy shooting things and not having to spend money, there ya go!

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i played a couple hours of this yesterday, my main take away is: bounties make me happy.

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Apparently this was glitched on Mon/Tues? Tokens are dropping for me tonight

two weasel error codes in a row during Competitive crucible games.

I’m suspended from Comp now.

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Apparently there is a new, pretty beefy challenge mission/area that unlocked today? Along with a new crucible mode?

oh shit is it Malfeasance time

(looks like it’s Malfeasance time)

time to play some more Gambit!!!

gitcher third seed folks

Everyday I’m like, “hmm maybe I’ll get forsaken today.” But then I’m like, “hmm, all I really wanna do is the raid” and then I think about all the stuff I’ll have to do to get there, not being able to use weapons I like cause I can’t afford infusion, and feeling like I have to play the game more than I’ll want to for progression.

…maybe tomorrow.

yeah, it’s a weird one. I had a nice realisation though that having played through a bit of Forsaken, I’m now probably ready to do the last raid which I never did. So maybe I should make peace with that and set up some kind of latecomers raid picnic where we focus on the last raid whenever a new expansion comes out.

That’s not a bad idea actually! Raid loot hasn’t been particularly desirable for a while anyhow, it’s mainly the experience of the the thing that interests me.

I am always down to try any of the year 1 raids. Still haven’t gotten forsaken and it is probably gonna be awhile because DQ and Yakuza games.

Hope for the future, y’all

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