Destiny (2) 3.4: ...And The Horse With No Name You Rode In On

I meant which subclass is meta right now, but that was a joke. Obviously I’ll pick the class with the superhuman ability to dodge and I’ll roll with whatever subclass they start with.

I’m actually installing it right now just to mess with the Halo guns, while I play Halo!


Nowhere is this more obvious than the rare specific credits for entries in the grimoire anthologies. I’d wondered why so many people left year to year.

I just played this game on PlayStation, pretty fun.


it certainly has its moments

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I hate the ineffectual stars war plot and lack of any conviction and the amount of NPCs who I am told directly are fun and likable and how my player character speaks in cutscenes like master chief and how I am kind of a jedi space cop who fights concepts like “the darkness” but as a doom clone it’s very fun


in a way I actually really appreciate bungie’s commitment not to overdress that they are selling you packs of levels and weapons. I can just skip the cutscenes and play the next dungeon or whatever, it’s cool


a lot of destiny 2 is sorta being bewildered about the importance of stuff because the game’s been running since 2016 and they remove 2/3rds of the yearly content with each expansion. all that character development? you get none of it because you didn’t play when it came out. bungie says “fuck you”

however, it’s the only looter shooter where the combat is engaging and your gear directly relates to your performance in a way that doesn’t feel like tiny DPS differences. literally no other game in this genre manages to strike this balance and it is ~infuriating~


I kind of don’t like the asymmetry of the combat design, it’s part of why I can’t accept the story. Bungie wants me to believe we’re the good guys but all the aliens I’m fighting have the absolute worst weapons in the universe. They got this massive army and all this tech and they are trying to give me paper cuts with confetti blasters that I can just sidestep and then pop their measly heads with one round of my Machogun. They really keep dropping more bug dudes in there to get squashed. You’d think they (game makers) would try killing me a lot more considering there’s no respawn penalty. Halo 1 sure killed me a lot and that game had quick save.

Also, twice in a row for this one story mission, I went into a lost sector, killed the bad guy, walked out without opening the chest, realized it didn’t tick my progress box, turned around to see the entire sector had respawned, so I had to kill them all again and open the chest to do my quest progress. You need the loot to progress. It’s not a mission reward, it’s the flag to finish the mission. I am literally required to see what nearly-obsolete piece of garbage I’m getting. I don’t care, the guns I already have are strong enough. Just one of those meticulously planned ways to entice you. It’s not any different from WoW and FFXIV where you’re required to select your reward to turn in a quest. I hate it in those games too. But respawning the whole instance because I didn’t open a chest is


And I’ve also been running into the classical MMO thing of having overlevelled ppl joining in to completely wipe a boss on my first try before I get a chance to see it. I don’t know if there’s any way to solve that but it’s really bizarre to be playing this kind of game solo but in a FPS environment. It’s not like runescape or something like I actually have to move my reticle and interact with things using guns. It’s fun, it puts me in the world, I like the way the quests make me explore the maps like it’s a singleplayer paid game with drop-in co-op, and then the instanced encounters kind of take me out of it.


the only other game like this I’ve played is Borderlands back in like 2009 and I bounced off it immediately, this one’s doing a much better job and it indeed feels good to use the guns. Lots of haptic feedback and good sound design, good TTK

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d2 is a piece of piss until you start running the harder nightfalls, raids or wrestling with pvp. it’s not like ffxiv where they mandate all players work through every beat of every expansion’s main questline dungeons and trials before you get to the latest stuff, which as a result is always appreciably the most difficult content, since they can know that players who get that far will be entirely ready for it. elective versus tuned difficulty

all the actually interesting writing that qualifies the context has typically been in the lore text, but the in-game voiced exchanges have been improving recently

their onboarding is uhh, a timeline graphic. lol

when i started (shadowkeep, fall '19) i had no idea what the plot thrust was, but i love being lost so i just shot shit and got cool weapons until @doolittle imparted broader scenario guidance


Yeah, that’s another thing that I think puts off newer players. The game is obscenely easy until you’re in endgame. You barely have to care about cover, mechanics, whatever until you’re on Legend-level content. A 180 will one-tap an add in a normal strike! You just completely shit all over everything. At this point I have weapons in my armory ~specifically~ to kill enemies in enormous groups as quickly as possible, just for normal strikes, because doing it one at a time is intolerably slow for a turbogamer such as I.

Once you start running Legend and higher content (for solo, that’d be Legend Lost Sectors typically) then the difficulty starts ramping up and you have to properly build your character. Grandmaster Nightfalls are harder than Halo Legendary imo.

This is a complaint multiple people I know have had as they work their way through whatever content is placed in front of them before endgame. So you’re definitely not alone. I understand why Bungie does it - difficult content is unappealing to normies - but I think in doing so they alienate the players who are actually interested in the endgame, difficult content experience.

Also those alien weapons are real brutal when they fire them more often than “once a decade”. Hive Boomers… I hate em!


Speaking of Destiny I finally got the one thing I needed (Eyes of Tomorrow) for my Deep Stone Crypt title. Not that I’m ever gonna wear it ahahahahaha

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I am no rabbit and you are no doctor. We are paracausal


new raid is sick as hell. final boss owns your ass by walking up and kicking you. good stuff. got a day 2 complete, but it still counts as day 1 since the network errors were so bad most people couldn’t play (we got lucky on that front, just couldn’t get it together before we all collapsed from exhaustion)


I’m playing this expansion on PC at last :)))

welcome to hell

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is anyone on PC doing the raids or any other raids? i think i am getting into this enough that i could be available to do them sometime.


just incidentally… cross platform, baby


I have a clan that is pretty friendly and will gladly run you through any raid of your choosing. Can probably rope some SBers into a group too if we wanna go that route. Will have to confirm loadout with you though to make sure you have something appropriate

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totally reasonable! I still have lots of progress to go (I assume??) because I’ve only done a few Witch Queen quests and just have been doing Season of Haunting stuff… I’m light level like 518 already.

I’m on bachelor’s discord, but if anyone wants to add me on steam Steam Community :: vodsel