Den of Screenshots (Part 1)

good question, I feel like it’s 1080, since that is what my consoles’ resolutions are set to, but I’ll have to check it when I get home (if my TV actually has a way to determine what the res is)

Probably have to google the model number

I ask because some 720p TVs accept a 1080p signal and even tell things like computers and game consoles, that they are a 1080p TV. So if this is your case----maybe your TV isn’t scaling down the 1080p signal, correctly.


Surreal HL2 Deathmatch maps




what game?

Metal Saga


Shadow Hearts had a really cool macabre (countered with ridiculous) feel that maintained across both parts of the world. You have a mild shader going on or is it natively looking like that?

I barely remember much except for key plot points and some harder stuff towards the end (iirc the last boss was one of those all items exhausted, beat by a hair). Some parts are legendarily creep-hilarious, like the tale of SHLOOOOOOP.

2 is really a whole grade better in almost every way but man, I’ve gotta revisit 1.

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No shaders, just the widescreen hack (which I didn’t mean to turn on). I thought the judgement wheel was super obnoxious back when I first played this, so I didn’t get too far beyond the cannibal village, I don’t think. I’m going to try to give it a longer shot this time, though, because I like the alternate history setting, and that the first city you visit is a monster village. Also, Roger Bacon healing his partially caved-in skull with magic.

I hope the protagonist becomes less of a Perverted Shithead version of Ryudo, and the heroine less of a squealing, helpless cliché (she makes this awful noise when she attacks, too!). The heroine, especially, is annoying because this is supposed to be related, at least spritually, to Koudelka, and I don’t recall Koudelka herself acting like that.

I liked the judgement ring, I think it was the sanity points (though good in theme) that could be really irritating. The uniqueness of tone and odd scenarios from its intersection of jrpgdom, religious iconics, east-west exchange and the era/figures (plus some eldritch business) totally make it worth seeing through. Yuri is absolutely cut by the perv edge but you’ll get some serious growth by the end.

Slight spoiler related to Koudelka: she’s in it

2/Covenant really shouldn’t be played without knowing the whole of 1.

that’s a shame. for a sec i read her expression in the second shot as like a sly grin instead of lipstick and enjoyed that character a lot more


More surreal HL2DM maps


Battle Cars


The over-the-shoulder crowbar!

I noticed that too, and I think I remember doing something like that as a kid and realizing instantly that that’s incredibly painful

but I’m probably too much of a wimp to tattoo YO! on my shoulder, too

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That guy is who I want to look like tbh

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look at this work of art in progress