David Cage's Adventures in Android Apartheid (Detroit: Become Human Demo)

I finished as well.

We had a good laugh about Creepy Menu Lady’s overblown consternation in the latter parts. Julie described it as something like the look you get on your face when you’re on a plane, but you just remembered that you forgot to turn in your overdue rent, plus your iron’s still on, and the window’s open, so a breeze is likely to blow it over, where it might land on your unpaid bills, catching them on fire, and your apartment isn’t up to fire code, plus all your cats and your neighbor’s baby you forgot to feed are trapped in the self-locking cabinet under your sink, etc. In the end Marcus brought about a peaceful recognition of android rights thanks to the androids liberated from VersaLife, and Kara was able to get Alice to Canada, though Luther didn’t make it.