David Cage's Adventures in Android Apartheid (Detroit: Become Human Demo)

oh, OK, i’ll remember that for next time.

Well, for the first time, i continued to play this game the next day, and of course creepy menu lady would subtly change her commentary… tbh, this is starting to be some kind of meta game, to find out how she reacts to certain events in the game.

Well, i have a hunch now what made her so distressed, there has been a (pretty bland, tbh) choice you had to make between sparing the life of an Android or killing it/him/her, and i guess that might’ve been a reason.

I am still on the fence about how the game handles offering choices by using a single word that can be (and in my case has been already) misunderstood, and how the game interprets it… otoh, it is interesting to see small decisions (which, to be fair, aren’t that far reaching) have some effect some 10ish hours down the road… e. g. it was surprise to meet a character again that i almost forgot about, which influenced the story progression.