daikatana for all seasons (and other FPS oddities)

if this thread had a bingo card you hating every game in here would be on it


Look I’ll go to bat for Project IGI if that’ll make you feel better


I’ll make this blazing hot take that Eradicator is a better build engine game than any of the games that are actually build engine, except Blood (with a custom difficulty setting)


ok fun’s over. everybody’s got a price…everybody’s gonna pay. its daikatana time

yeah im doing some processing…fucking processing that i can order superfly to execute unarmed people begging for their lives with a key press

some new enemies. this one is introduced around the literal first fucking corner and immediately dumps a rocket into you. its a cyborg rodent and a great use case for the shotcycler because it actually requires 6 shells to the face to go down! A pro quick save before i got Fucked™

another swamp. God fucking damn it john. Naturally once you leave this area and enter ANOTHER SEWER theres a rocket rat waiting directly at the top of the ladder for you. The whole time you’re crawling through this vent getting owned by rats you can hear superfly on the other side of the locked door youre trying to open yelling HIROOOOO and singing

heres the other new enemy it’s sort of like a multi beam frigate from homeworld because 4 hitscan shots are better than 1 but it gibs into bullshit like all other robotic bastards.

Godly door

I can’t possibly imagine why mishima is chopping up the bodies that are supposed to be cremated instead. Hes seen superfly apparently but not soylent green.

The game is really into giving you strange and sadistic options for murdering the npcs in this level, which to be fair, are basically bobs from marathon in terms of screaming wildly and being gristle for the mill. I like this one because I guess he’s like supposed to get sucked up into the fan except when I blew up the power box it started spinning for like a half second and then got stuck on the guys head, and even after I made superfly kill him i climbed up there and it wouldnt do any damage to me. What a load of shit.

we proceed through a series of meat grinder rooms in case its not obvious what is going on here

one weird level design trick that hitscanners LOVE. this is designed in such a way that trying to use the sidewinder here will almost always hurt you due to the dumbass way the rockets insist on spinning.

you can just run up the stairs and see all 800 things that want you dead scurrying around like rats, well i guess a bunch of them are actually rats so that makes sense

fun fact: this is the first place I was able to use the bouncy balls to kill a ton of enemies without committing suicide!!

In classic daikatana fashion the HUMAN hamburger patties are coming out sideways instead of flat for some reason. superfly has a series of reactions to the machinery that seem out of order. also every time you walk through these rooms he repeats himself

Wonder what’s behind this door. i sure hope i dont get shot before its even open wolfenstein 3d style or anything…


There’s another bouncy ball gun in the refrigeration area in case you feel like committing suicide today

superfly’s lines in this level are ALL so fucking weird. hes a weirdo in the freezer

then you walk into a completely square room that has nothing but stairs in it and he yells this???

Unprecedented levels of bouncy ball rampage in this level. 3 times without self-damage!!

(i had to noclip right after this because the door shut on me and i got stuck inside)

this is the only dialogue in the whole level that hints at what our goal is and he says it right before the final room. at least that room has a baller sign in it

superfly begins putting in coordinates to teleport us…somewhere. presumably where mikiko is being held

it looks like an insanely violent explosion but we teleport through OK. superfly is apparently very temperature sensitive. he finally tells us where the fuck we are exactly, i like that he’s been to the secret research base and has extensive knowledge of it since its the chief of security yet never learned about the hamburger factory. what are the odds they are also doing human experimentation here too

That was a pretty average level. At least we have another fortress full of bullshit for hiro to expertly suck down…next time on daikatana: ICELAB.


If nothing else it has a lot of very interesting ideas, with the remote controlled weapons etc.


this was probably the weakest level in the game so far. like the first level is at least like getting punched in the mouth by a poison swamp with the most wretched soundscape in the world, here is just a bunch of dark square rooms full of burger shit and hitscan enemies. the like, doom/quake techbase for super players theme of the last few levels is really, really weak here because everything is a series of grey cubes. I should have known it was going to be shit when this was the start:

past levels gave you a good mix of enemies, at least in the ways they fight - here there are just three: a handful of mishima security guards, deathspheres, and the rocket rats, and theyre all ranged enemies. the way 1 or 2 of them are kind of just plopped down per encounter is really weak, and they’re always in like cramped spaces or around corners so the slow ass rockets the rats fire can own you effortlessly. i would have actually preferred a few fucking dragonflies or frogs. there’s very few places where it feels like you can use those Expert FPS skills to cleverly outmanuever the enemies in this level with your weapons or whatever. so now we have our full arsenal, theres only like one new enemy to be revealed and episode 1 is really running out of steam. all the secrets in Processing are like really half assed and feel like theyre just shoved into corners or dead ends you would otherwise have no reason to go. I liked getting all the secrets in the first 3 levels because they were kinda clever and you actually got to explore a little. the acro secret in Solitary where you crawl around in the guts of the building for a bit is a really good example, and the best this level can muster is like, uh, just check under every stairs I guess. very…unfinished. at least after icelab is the boss level, so we can leave this hell for something…fun?!


I’ve never played the game, but all these shots look like some weird combination of Quake 2 and Unreal.


My friend started playing doom 1, 2, 64 to completion for the first time a few months ago and started asking me about these games, that’s why I got the urge to play daikatana. She’s currently training for it herself. So now she’s been playing blood and really likes it so i was put with the lofty task of recommending build engine games. which i usually dont because lets be real most of them outside of blood are ass. i don’t like duke 3d or the racist one or like, WW2 gi. i would feel like i let her down if she played redneck rampage due to my non-intervention. so i told her to pirate ion maiden which is basically like if someone released a build fps in 1999 made entirely out of technical wizardry. its probably one of the better build games and it still has the beloved sewers and references and poop jokes, is fuckin hard, etc. A fine example of the crudest genre of 90s shooter. At least the main character is as cool as caleb.


you should have recommended extreme paintbrawl for the sick soundtrack

no seriously, it sounds like it’s actually ill


(setting aside discussing the homophobe terf devs for this post)

ion maiden had the most boring enemies possible. Great level architecture, looks pretty, but its so mindnumbing to fight a million identical hitscan cyborgs in cloaks (I realize that the number one criticism of blood is fighting a million identical hitscan cultists in cloaks but at least the rerelease gave us custom difficulty settings so we can tweak how annoying the hitscanners are, and the level design doesn’t exacerbate this shortcoming as much as ion maiden’s does)


I figured me telling her to pirate it would clarify how i feel about it haha

she wanted the build engine so i gave her the build engine!!!

i like blood the most out of any build gaem and its the one i recommend but she wanted MORE so choices are limited unless i want her to ask me why the enemies in shadow warrior are named after slurs for south east asian people



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Shadow Warrior is interesting because in the early dev you can see it was going to be a more serious game, and then they decided to add in the… “comedy” after the fact.

This is especially evident after the first episode, which was full of gags and silliness, whereas the second much longer episode is pretty much played straight and the only humour comes from Lo Wang doing his racist schtick. It’s like the first episode was made to sell the game (since it was the demo) in false pretenses.

I actually found it to be a pretty enjoyable game but yeah I can’t recommend it to anyone because it’s sure racist as hell!!! At least the remake series cuts that shit out for the most part (though it still stumbles such as having a white guy play lo wang)


the most relevant thing about Shadow Warrior nowadays is that every single level Randy Pitchford started had to be finished by someone else, thus setting the stage for the rest of his career


Tell your friend to try the build-adjacent (and superior) Dark Forces and Outlaws


yea she needs to play outlaws. if she can survive dark forces 1 on one of the higher skills it will prepare her body and mind for daikatana because anyone who can punch out like 20 krayt dragons is absolutely an expert fps gamer


that mission where you get all your weapons taken away and you literally have to punch out a bunch of krayt dragons, and there’s no saving in missions, Dark Forces is so badass


i love when the final boss comes out in dark trooper armor like hes hot shit and kyle katarn just fuckin blows him away in half a second


Here’s a link to the canned Blood 2 expansion, it’s apparently very unfinished though (haven’t checked it out myself yet)



haha is this by the tequila software guys

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