#CYBERPUNK 2077 đŸ’»

You have no idea


Don’t be so modest! Your magnum opus is a veritable institution.


it’s clear from @username’s labor that a game doesn’t have to be popular to be cloned a half-dozen times


The tie-in comic ended yesterday. Just a straightforward survival action story following a Trauma Team making their way through a tower block. Very clear and striking artwork, especially for a licensed deal. Easily stands alone.



everything is going great


guess sony received many messages from gamers


My god, Death Stranding just added 35GB to its filesize to include cross promotional material from this game.


when you put sony in a position with this “refund” talk


damn, has any of the console publishers ever straight delisted a major studio game like that before?

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It seems unprecedented. I think the closest analogy is the reaction to the Hot Coffee moral panic in 2005. That was retailers, but Sony has taken the role of retailer nowadays.

kind of wondering if CDPR is gonna get sued, now

This is the world that Penis 2 has wrought


I recall Arkham Knight having a big kerfuffle on PC.

Yeah but Arkham Knight was pulled by Warner Bros.

I think it was Warner that pulled it for a few months, yeah

This is real major. (I guess it’s worse to play than the world sim anims, low perf, and drive hiccups I saw demonstrated, my apologies). Wonder if they’re going to cert big games differently; my experience is that the platform owners each have a point of contact for big projects that checks in on cert in the last few months as their cert team is running QA next to the dev, so there’s frank communication about issues. Less ‘beat cop’ and more ‘wall street regulator’, “we all want to succeed here” is the general mood.


apparently the pedestrians have no ai and just freeze in front of obstacles and if you just turn around and turn back they’ll have disappeared, and also if you fire a gun and they go into cower mode you just have to look away from them to make them vanish


Yeah I had it phrased as a question at first but I looked it up to confirm it. WB decided to pull the PC version on their own after the backlash over the state it was in. If I recall the excuse was that Rocksteady is a smaller studio and console-centric to begin with and whoever they got to help with the PC version didn’t really help that much. So, same story as it ever is with these sorts of matters.

To see a publisher make the decision is a bigger deal. Maybe this will be some sort of turning point in the culture on the developer/publisher side. For as long as I can remember high profile games have regularly came out with major issues that had to be fixed later. Hell, I remember everyone dragging on Gearbox for their “future-proofed” Halo:CE port on PC. Then you had No Man’s Sky at release definitely not being the game shown in the previews and commercials. Like, we know how these things end up happening but the average end user for these products just sees game companies promising one thing and delivering another.

Consistently. Repeatedly. Year after year. One hype cycle after the next. All that hypothetical person is seeing with Cyberpunk on PS4/XboxOne is a busted ass game that doesn’t work right because “the game companies probably want me to buy it on the new console where it does actually work as advertised” etc.

Maybe the only reason it’s blown up this big is because CDPR spent years cultivating a public image as a game company that cares so much about the quality of their products that they’ll delay however long it takes to get it right. And then when they do that they don’t actually get it right (unless you’re on a 3090 lol).

It’s been amusing lurking the cyberpunk 2077 subreddit seeing people come to terms with their favorite youtubers hyping the game and downplaying performance issues and bugs at the request of the game’s developer and then turning around after release and dunking on it with everyone else. The “ethics in gaming journalism” crowd finally realizes there is no actual gaming journalism you love to see it.


I’m becoming more and more relieved I didn’t get this at launch. Will this become another No Man’s Sky where the game does a 180 in good will 2 years from now?

Is it bad I was never interested in this game but now want to play the base ps4 or xbox version before they get patched?

A lot of the footage has helped me make connections on how games are programmed, so that’s been kind of neat.