Again, if this just turns out to be some Manga UK shit with an obscene budget starring Keanu Reeves, that would probably be just fine but I’m not sold on what they’re attempted design-wise as of yet.
I mean there’s nothing more overt about this being just an aesthetic than this:
I am awarding “Poor people have no ideas” one “yike” and the bizarre decision to proportion the figures on all of these posters in this way a TBD number of “LOLs”
depressingly similar to the pseudo-semiotic language I see every day from high-level direction
in the absence of strong singular/authorial/dictatorial control, conversation on abstractions between highly-skilled people reverts to vagueries that, when examined, resolve to gibberish
as these artists spend dozens of hours on these paintings they really are actually thinking of much more specific and nuanced ideas, but instead of reconciling it all together (because this is dozens of people with slightly different ideas and achieving mind meld with a single person takes months), everyone subtracts meaning from their language and communication and just pretends they agree
The most disappointing aspect of this is that the most impressive element of Witcher 3 is the level of specificity and nuance to the writing in a game of its size; even something as specific as inserting blank Geralt reactions in a dialogue requires intense coordination of writer intent.
I hypothesized that they achieved this because the noir structure and characterization proved very sturdy next to a BioWare-style morphing character. I’m not happy that this seems even more true than I’d thought.