Controller News: step on one side of three lines

Looking at the top it appears that the lights stop on the sides and it’s just black plastic under the touchpad, unless the image isn’t completely accurate.

But I’m also curious how far the light extends on the front. It looks like it ungracefully fades out but there’s still some sort of light on the bottom horizontal part for some sort of function. I dunno what that’s for. Signalling the voice assistant is active?

the V cavity in the console is a dock for the successor to the Vita, the PlayStation Swap, which can attach to the DualSense for playing On The Go

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confirmation psvr successor transitioning to inside-out tracking?

looking forward to seeing what color that white will turn into after a few years of gamer-grip

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My white DS4 actually looks okay still and I’ve had it for years, but I can’t speak for anyone else.

That would be a sensible move, and I think some of Sony’s patents shows they have been exploring that. But that would also mean that you’d have to keep using a DS4 for the old PSVR, which isn’t a huge deal.

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PSVR’s current tracking method is almost certainly obsolete by most definitions, it continues to work reasonably well but I wouldn’t expect them to do it again

also they probably want marginally better controller battery life and sony’s UX experiments this way (thinking about eg the playroom VR) don’t always get carried forward between generations so it’s not too surprising

you mean the burger and lamp buttons?


hamburger and french fries


I have no way of recognizing which is the start or select button anymore now that all console manufacturers have decided that :arrow_forward: isn’t already the default for Start and keep making more and more incomprehensible symbols, instead.


This is by design, because they don’t want you thinking about them as Start and Select anymore, since the starting and selecting functions they were first coined for aren’t relevant anymore, and haven’t been for decades

They’re Menu and Share (or Create, in the specific case of the PS5) now. Menu button opens menus. Share/Create is for snapping screenshots/recording clips/broadcasting.

I wish we had words! that we could align on! They could keep them as strange symbols as long as they told us what to call them!

We’re up to Microsoft and Sony aligning on ‘hamburger’ as the menu button but no one has ever named it

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hamburgers are for satiating your needs [for equipment inventory, character ability, and supported+purchased linear media format organization] and french fries are for quickly snapping [capturing high-quality footage of your exploits] up, dressing with condiments [empowering increased user engagement with an industry-leading creative filtering and editing suite] and sharing with your pals [publishing to a variety of partnered online social platforms]


I think I‘d prefer to give them two distinctive shapes, like triangles with rounded edges, pointing outward?
Nintendo eventually did that with the + and - Buttons, which were identical to the home button they sat next to on the ol‘ wiimote.

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I don’t even care what they’re called, they should just be :arrow_backward: and :arrow_forward:

Because I can intuit where those are on a controller

I don’t know how anyone remembers where ⧉ and ≡ are on a controller, ever. They’re shitty useless symbols that mean nothing and can’t even be associated with parts of a controller.


wait you can’t just


IMO the two buttons are looking at each other

The left button is happy to be with the right button, and his love is unreciprocated



Left button is eyelash button


+ and - are nice because they solve the non-labelled, non-function-proscribed design everyone seems to want while being words I can speak to another human


⧉ is an absolutely essential reminder that the button on your xbox controller is about to open a pop-up window with an embeded PDF


you’re right nobody anywhere ever has any context for what the three lines symbol mea–


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