I got it from Mandarake but some specialist sellers should also have it.
Is it light on text, like Box Man, or more story heavy such as Kappa at work?
About half way IIRC
back on the Bloodborne kick
got a copy of Inferno (both TPBs collected into a single volume + sketchbook). it’s great, builds the suspense of “are the devils real or is he murdering normal people” very finely, and by the time it’s resolved it doesn’t matter because he’s fighting the next sicko
the bad guy is rad, just some church slob doing his job and insisting on his perspective. and the art twist in Danse Macabre 5 ruled. very human messy lettering was fun. some dialogue was hard to parse in slightly-too-narrow text boxes but story & art ruled
The shitty old collectible place that just opened near me had a bunch of slabbed brand new Marvel reprints on their wall and a Dirty Plotte in their 50 cent bin
if you had a nickel for every time a selectbutton member got an issue of dirty plotte from a bargain bin, you’d have two nickels etc etc
8 more times and we can buy another issue
i reread BONE as i do every couple of years,and as i’ll do every couple of years for the rest of my life. This is my favorite fantasy novel lol. I cant even get started on the things its influenced about my personality and what i want from my entertainment media. BONE fucking rocks i want to highlight my favorite elements from this reread
- rat creatures they are my favorite orc-like fantasy race. They are simultaneously cool, badass, scary, cute, and fuckin funny often on the same page. Incredibly charismatic and flexible critter design. I love these dudes so much
- the Great Red Dragon. im shocked that this big beefy boy isnt more of a popular furry thirst trap
umm sorry sir!!!
L @ @ K at him though…
- Rose “Gran’ma Ben” Harvestar the coolest old lady in any work of fiction ive ever seen. fuckin badass warrior queen turned humble farmer who challenges her cows to foot races just for fun. fights everyone by punching the shit out of them. never once is in danger herself, she’s a mythic figure. She fuckin rocks. BONE is so good lol
God, it almost seems criminal these got colorized later. I get hit with childhood nostalgia , and adult appreciation for craft every time I see a bone panel.
i think about that weird buff dragons smug face like three times a week
My first exposure to BONE was in Disney Adventures where it’s colorized by default lol. It also cut out any greater story ideas and said THE END over Fone Bone being reunited with Phoney Bone. I only learned there was more story from comic book trades,! my hometown comic store got shut down real fast, but i got some BONE issues out of it. I wish i knew where those issues were for collecting/fun’s sake
i have the big Bone volume and it was also introduced to me via the Disney Adventures issues lmao, which I re-aquired when my mom mailed a bunch of my stuff to me. I should re-read it.
i didnt even know about the recolorizations or the disney thing. i saw the big book at my friends house and thought it looked neat and didnt put it down for two days. what a comic
This is exactly how I read it!
confession i have started bone about thrice so far and something else comes up
You gotta at least read through the Great Cow Race, i dont see how anyone could put it down after that
its fucking criminal that this comic has not been adapted for animation yet there are whole sequences that are practically storyboarded. GCR and the whole Eyes of the Storm arc would look incredible in the right hands. but im never going to get my perfect adaptation so i might as well dream
i dont have voices in mind for every character but the dragon is 1000% Michael Dorn, to me
edit and i was like, BONE, BONE, BONE…
sorry/not sorry i could look at & talk about this comic everyday for the rest of my life
Wow it sucks that it had to come to that but good on him for fighting the power in the most effective manner available to him.