Coffee (Formerly Eternally Doomed (Formerly Nu-DOOM Murder Junkies (Formerly I played the Doom closed alpha on PS4)))

The Revenant has a jetpack now, as they really always should have.

You can juggle them in midair with your heavy assault rifle.

The secrets in this game are as they should be: Sensibly proportioned (no lawnmowering), in logical outcroppings of the spacious Martian exteriors, informed backtracking, inside “How do I get in there?” glass enclosures; they often involve clever and precarious clambering on inconspicuous narrow ledges; they sometimes lead to other secrets or serve as a shortcut. The days of spotting misaligned textures are behind us.

And I got four weapons ahead of schedule including a Gauss Cannon. The secret for that one reminded me of Donkey Kong Country.

Oh, and there’s no fall damage. You land with a thud and the words “IMPACT COMPENSATION” briefly flash.

did they fix the problems with the classic maps

Nah, I’ve only seen one and it’s fullbright filtered garishness. Oh well.


hah thats pretty amusing

The SnapMap mode has powerful tools and great presentation, but you’re stuck with the assortment of ready-made self-contained UAC base rooms and can’t make anything outside or look nice or different at all and I’m instantly bored and miss making lovely floating platform architectures over an ocean or an island in Halo’s blue skies. This is sad and dull. What’s the point of making maps if you can’t make the map or any geometry at all. Trash.

Multiplayer is DOA, same submediocre Fisher Price arena shooter as ever, which I did admittedly enjoy during the beta when it was fresh, but now that all the tacky bullshit is baked in and the loadouts locked behind an asinine progression curve and I have at least five other timesinks I’d rather be grinding in… on top of not getting a full lobby on my first attempt…

Campaign is fantastic and I’m gonna plat it on a weekend rental or two and that’s all.

Fuck them for the audacity of a $40 Season Pass for this tepid MP nobody cares about. If there were any singleplayer DLC, I would actually buy this game.

I’ll say no more on that.

You and me are the only people who read Norbert’s post and instantly thought Space Marine.

I want id Software to design all the guns in all the games.

I want this game to sell well so they can make Doom II: Hell on Earth and Doom 1.

I want them to scrub the false main menu options off the disc and sell it for $40 so I can support idthesda responsibly.

This campaign is just wholesome, classic goodness.

This is the most glad I’ve ever been that you aren’t currently banned


I’ve discovered a few other egregious errors in the classic map excerpts and I’m pretty sure they’re just taking the piss @ the diehards; possibly also those who couldn’t tell and think “wow retro graphics”. It’s a good joke.

Space Marine is pretty well known around the parts, I thought? I know I sure thought of Space Marine instantly when I read that. I’m not sure how many other analogs there are to such an offensive healing mechanic.

So I just started this and Norb’s right it is its own thing and it’s pretty good so far. Very smooth to play. I turned off the glory kill highlighting, chromatic aberration and set the motion blur to low (though I could have turned that off as well). Turned off the compass and mission objective markers as well.

Loved that intro with the title. And I love that the first level has you exploring the Martian surface and it looks great. I like that the codex stuff is all in the pause menu where you can safely ignore it but I’ve enjoyed reading the entries. They seem to have put some thought into the lore of this game. Will be interesting to see if it ends up tying into the previous games in any way.

Also the pistol is totally hitscan lol. edit-Heavy assault rifle as well.

Also the dexterity upgrades for your suit only increase the speed of mantling and switching weapons and weapon mods. Haven’t found any runes yet so I don’t know if any of those increase your overall movement speed but so far however fast you run at the beginning is just how fast you run period.

I was referring to the enemies. There’s no hitscanner enemies anymore.

Ah. That’s good.