Coffee (Formerly Eternally Doomed (Formerly Nu-DOOM Murder Junkies (Formerly I played the Doom closed alpha on PS4)))

that is some hilariously awkward commentary in that video. doom is about guns (i guess if all you played was brutal doom…)

There’s been some footage of the gameplay floating around. I’d probably be down with this game if it had a few notches less AAA bullshit in it.

I mean, I’m sure going to look forward to picking this up when it’s on sale just like I did with the latest Wolfenstein

Here’s a bit of Doom being played on the PC

This makes the game look much, much faster than anything else I’ve seen

it looks good but still way more reminiscent of quake than doom. I’m not really sure if it’s possible to marry doom’s virtues with the demands of a AAA 2016 title. I guess this is an admirable enough attempt. still nothing about this is very exciting to me.

it just looks like such a strange philosophical mishmash of things. I could see it being enjoyable enough, but it would be hard to shake the feeling that everything is off while playing it, you know? the level design is really uninspiring in what I’ve seen, you have all the empty “point of emphasis” stuff like ripping guy’s heads off and opening doors really hard and getting POWER UPS so you can be POWERFUL. telling you something is a secret because it has a thing for you at the end of a corridor doesn’t actually make it a secret, though this is also true of much of the original doom, so that one can slide a little. then they still want to tell you a story while dudes are spilling out AMMO for you and you just start to think – what does being a modern game actually do for this? what are the benefits? and I don’t know the answer. perhaps it would be better off if they took some of the half-and-half ideas they had for this and stopped worrying about how to call it doom so that they could figure out what they were making.

I do agree with toups that it looks more like quake if anything. but quake was also great, so I don’t really care about that part of it. the level design basically looks like they took a bunch of lower tier quake 3 multiplayer maps and then put long corridors between them. the set piece kind of design doesn’t work as well here as it does in Real Doom because, for one, you can’t have the same volume of enemies and make it work (which was even true of quake), and for another, Doom enemy design functionally turned a lot of the design of that game into a puzzle. each enemy had a clear way of being dealt with, and the set pieces (which we didn’t identify as such back in the day, of course) relied on combining those in certain ways in certain spaces. I don’t see a whole lot of that kind of thing going on here. which is partially why it looks more like quake. it also doesn’t help that doom was a visually clear and distinct game, while everything here looks the same. sound design played a large role in that clarity in doom as well.

I’m just rambling about why doom is good. this is probably whatever, but if it feels good enough to play I could see it being a reasonable quake, or at least a quake-ish experiment.


it will not be as good as quake. quake was amazing, even if it’s not quite as good as doom.

That weapon switch.

I just

DOOM has been dissected and autopsied so thoroughly in the last two decades that I find it nigh impossible to comprehend how these guys are thinking out loud on the very same Internet that contains The Science Of Doom they could have Totally Nailed It.

I am into first person kickman games tho, so maybe

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Vanilla DOOM doesn’t actually announce or tally that you’ve found secrets during play. Sourceports added that. The only indication of secrets is the percentile tally on the level clear screen.

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When did the “Attract Mode” with demos playing main menu die? I know Unreal had some sweet real-time pans of the environments…

What? There’s a sound effect in the base game, the shareware version even, that only plays when you flag a secret. I’m not sure you’re right.

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I am fairly confident you’re playing on a sourceport. If you play in DOS or Chocolate Doom, there will be no notification when you enter a secret area.

A more detailed alternate:

Hrmmmmm. I remember that sound really clearly from doom II, at least. Hearing it now sets off childhood memories and all. I guess I’ll just Dosbox the original WAD and see for myself.

If you want the most authentic Vanilla DOOM experience without suffering with DOSBox, I recommend Chocolate Doom.

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yeah original doom has no secret notification. It’s completely silent. every non-vanilla source port does, though.

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I’m aware of that, but the percentile tally is functionally the same thing. what makes something is a secret is ultimately an arbitrary distinction. sometimes in doom this means entire sections of a level are non-obvious, sometimes it means you find one invisible wall that leads to a corridor with some rockets at the end.

but what sets doom apart from almost every other AAA shooter since half life is that sometimes “secret areas” constituted a huge portion of the level, and sometimes there was secrets within secrets, and sometimes they unlocked shortcuts to later parts of the level. I dig that there are some secrets you can find on the map and some that are truly “secret” (which seems spiritually in line with doom), but I won’t be satisfied unless the level design is truly integrated with secret passageways and areas. it appears that it’s something they just tacked on to say that they have it.

I am thinking of just playing the Japan wad pack while listening to Refused. What is the best way to doom on win8. You know my politics.

[edited – thanks D-F for the PrBoom-Plus rec. That was the one that was Carmack approved and which served as the base for the iPhone DooM ports that he made. It is much DooM-ier in its feel and it retains many more eccentricities of the engine than the zDooM variants. But Romero uses ZDooM, and I have to admit that it is nice in that it fixes some of the weirdness around aiming etc.]

For music, download BASSMIDI or VirtualMIDISynth as your MIDI driver and load up a Sound Canvas Soundfont

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