Coffee (Formerly Eternally Doomed (Formerly Nu-DOOM Murder Junkies (Formerly I played the Doom closed alpha on PS4)))

Halo Reach on Heroic/Legendary is still my #1 Best Modern Shootman Experience. I never just play a level of something just to do it, without some kind of challenge, but I’ll load up Winter Contingency for some reason or another and end up playing all the way through Tip of the Spear just because.

I guess AI must be harder than it looks

also just catching up on thread and personally super bummed that id moved away from the “doomguy ignores instructions and causes problems” model of storytelling. I feel like that had a lot of room to work with and would lead in very interesting directions. if he had just been like a rage elemental (which ironically sounds like what he canonically is?)