Childhood Thread 2: Basic Things About Reality You Didn't Quite Grasp As a Lil Babby

This is so cute omg

I just asked the kid in my class who’s parents answered his sex questions to ask them for me :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Oh sorry if I dragged it out of you. I just love that story, and it’s perfect for this thread.

(I messaged Tulpa on Line to tell them about the thread wheb the ping didn’t work.)

I’m in the civilized city, so I’ve never seen a shit can. Actually, public bathrooms here never have a hose, and I always feel like a barbarian having to return to paper. Though at home I still use some paper to dab dry sometimes.

The absolute worst imo is squat toilets, whoch I think is mostly a Chinese thing. The thing I don’t get is how you’re supposed to shit and not piss all over your pants. I guess you tuck your dick down with your hands? It’s fucking horrible. I would prefer a hole in the ground.

I spent most of my time in the second largest metropolitan area in the country.

You’d probably find squat toilets very common if you got out of the “civilized city” more.

13 years ago, Tokyo still had squat toilets in some main area spots. Prolly still do.

Goood thread, so gonna move this to a permanent home.

Yes: that is a death threat.

My room when I was 6-11 years old was in a basement with one of those window wells where you could peer upwards and see the sky. When I was like 6 or 7, I remember thinking that, while I was sleeping, pedophiles were creeping around in the backyard and staring at me from above. (thanks dad)

I would pile all my stuffed animals on the bed in a pyramid and sleep underneath it. My thought was “They’ll think that I’m dead and this is a shrine my parents assembled in my room in memoriam.”


this thread is great.

as a child in the 80s/early 90s, my parents watched a lot of “Unsolved Mysteries” and “America’s Most Wanted.” as a result, i was of course terrified of being abducted by 1. aliens 2. criminals.

i had no solution for the criminals, but with the aliens, i always noticed that people seemed to be sucked up by a beam of light, so my infallible defense plan was to always make sure my shades were pulled down and the venetian blinds were closed. THAT WAY, the light couldn’t get in, you see?


One of the kids at school could not understand how the Unsolved Mysteries/Sightings/Rescue 911 camera crews stood idly by while people were getting murdered, kidnapped, hit by cars, terrorized by ghosts, and abducted by aliens. Strangely he didn’t seem concerned with how these camera crews were always in the right place.


oh this thread really is incredible.

when i was little i remember thinking that cars stopped or moved in the streets based on some kind of collective will, and the traffic lights only served as a rubber stamp to inform everyone else about what was happening. like, i got the causality backwards lol

so at one given moment one or two cars would, for some reason, decide to stop side by side at the intersection and to warn the drivers behind the light would turn red. and if someone in the front really needed to keep going, the light would be green and keep the flow of cars until someone decided to stop, etc. what was up with that


I thought particles were little bundles of mass instead of excitations in a quantum mechanical field.


I’m still trying to work out a way to harness zero point plum pudding.

I get uncomfortable these days when using ‘atomic’ as an adjective to describe the indivisible because I’m annoyed that we still call them atoms

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I mean, you could just say “indivisible.”

“Atomic” is a more colorful, romantic way to put it, but I don’t think people are aware of its ancient Greek origins.

If I know five adjectives I’m going to use five adjectives. I may not use them in equal proportions, and I may retire them if they become hurtful, but I like to distribute the love between my words so I don’t forget any of my beauties.


This post is forcing me to confront how much of my vocabulary is used knowing that some of the listeners probably won’t understand it.

Hard to say!

I’m a pretty fluid code switcher, but I think more than anything I’m probably guilty of not knowing which words people won’t know in a professional context. I think the most egregious for me is when I’m writing a professional e-mail and I realize that a phrasing is probably fairly esoteric, and–oh wait–it will probably be read by some ESL people. But…I just don’t feel like rephrasing it. Often I do though.

So I guess I give myself an A-, pending further remembrances of times I’ve done the thing.

The End

PS – Thanks for reading my post.

I remember a school bus that had a handle near the front row seat that I think was for changing the bus route number on the side of the bus. But the bus driver only told my friend it “changes where the bus goes”, so we thought by rotating the handle we could control the bus direction