Cartoons (Part 1)


they are james bond junioring the fast and the furious lol

  1. Does anyone know if there’s a parody source (specific or general) for the way “Ballmastrz” is whispered during the big action scenes of same? It feels oddly familiar, but I can’t place it.

  2. I have nothing against cute animes doing whatever, but I am extremely angry there’s a game/show called Uma Musume, which means there can’t easily be a property called UMA Musume.

  3. attn @notbov (I think?):

I wonder how many scenes in all of Gumball are just purely captioned “[Both screaming]”

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this was also my reaction! gimme my cryptid daughters

why am I being @'ed for a Gumball clip

I already know Gumball is cool

I seriously think everyone here vastly overestimates the level of perversion I operate on


I thought you made a post where you said that Darwin was Gumball’s wife

I am pretty sure someone made a post saying that

I mean, I’m mostly sure

I guess I might’ve dreamt it

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I’m not opposed to this pairing that I don’t recall saying was an OTP but it would be kind of weird to marry your pet/brother

I am just mostly amused that 1)they imply the series bible for Gumball exists in universe and 2)said bible acts as a universe-altering Death Note (or, for a slightly more refined point of reference, a universe-wide Ruby Sparks)


Aggretsuko is a cool fucking show and I like watching it and nodding and going “Same.” for 15 minutes


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every clip of gumball i see makes me marvel that it’s a thing that exists

some day i will watch it

The dub of Lu is out today! If you didn’t get to scope this in SB Anime Club (or even if you did, i bet seeing it in a theater would slay) definitely go see it ASAP. It’s one of the most delightful movies i’ve watched in years



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I so desperately need this to be good but if they hit the Trump stuff too hard, eh

They definitely should go all the way with the Trump stuff. It’s a goldmine of absurdity.

The nerd rage is real out there right now

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i think kids will like this one, i dunno. nerds can suck shit


I’m on board I have virtually no real nostalgia for the original and never watched the first reboot either.

I’m kinda miffed that decent action shows are next to impossible to make in this hellscape of capitalism but at least this looks several times more animated than Teen Titans Go.

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I watched the new Samurai Jack and that was pretty good.

Well, I watched 8 of 10 of the new episodes because those are the ones on the Adult Swim website. You know you’re old when you’d rather just not watch the end of a series you’re invested in than try to figure out pirating in 2018

this show both looks “fine as an actual tv show i guess” and like it was reverse engineered as a vector for angry youtube videos with 500,000 views

Even down to the man-bunned animator


Yeah that looks entirely fine really but they better sneak in a ref to That Outtakes Tape