bulletin witch

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this is out in some places already and i’m getting impatient because i wanna play real badly


Rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it?

Contra by way of the lesser known PS1 titles but trying to ignore them in favour of the Hard Corp naming scheme. :thinking:

skeptical of new Contra but sort of getting Neo Contra vibes from gameplay soooooooooooo…


Collection of Mana was ported by M2 and there’s a music player on the title screen.

There are no graphics options other than integer scale or fill screen.

I take it back SD1 has b/w, supergb(?), and a dmg01 screen filter type mode.


i assume it doesn’t have online multiplayer right

i mean these things never do but

it does not

I can explain the flow of this LCD game:

  1. Go forward
  2. Kill enemies
  3. Fall in the water
  4. Drown
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classic square enix


The Gold Saucer will be its own game


i will admit to not being convinced but who knows who can know

is this soldier of fortune by way of hotline miami and superhot

it just opens the FFXIV launcher


in the future of gamer earth you only have the time to play one game a year, and just pick three series to buy on a loop. MonHun, FF7, Zelda. MonHun, FF7, Zelda.

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I’d sit out the Zelda round, to travel thieve and ruin visit, possibly spelunking.

That feels uncomfortable. It’s hyper-exaggerated, and feels like it is so by accident.

They’ve announced Space Invaders: Invincible Collection for 2020 in Japan on the Switch. Not a lot of details but the first 6 games revealed so far.

  • Space Invaders (black-and-white)
  • Space Invaders Part II
  • Super Space Invaders ’91 ( Majestic Twelve: The Space Invaders Part IV)
  • Space Invaders DX
  • Space Invaders Extreme
  • Space Cyclone

Space Invaders Extreme is real cool but really have no clue what other versions are considered “the good ones”.